A New Side

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Later that night, Melissa is seen walking into her dorm room. He closes the door and tosses her bag to the side, landing perfectly on the chair at her desk. She sat down on her bed and groaned a little before turning her body and slamming her head down onto her pillow. She silently yelled a little and threw her head back up. Melissa sighed and leaned back against the wall within her dorm room and sighed again to herself.

Melissa: (Thinking) Why did I have to snap like that? He was just expressing a project he liked so much.

Melissa sighed and stood up. She walked over to the window and looked out across the night sky. She leaned against her wall and looked out some more.

Melissa: (Thinking) But still...you were right. Right? I mean, who would ever want to get rid of a quirk at all? That is pure villainy and...oh.

Melissa formed a fist and pouted a little and walked back to her bed and sat down sternly.

Melissa: (Thinking) But I can see the point! The argument makes sense! But remember you're...ARGH!

She threw herself down onto her pillow again. Once again, she silently screamed. She hated being wrong. She hated being outsmarted. But the logic was there. It made sense in her brain. But she didn't want to be. She wanted a quirk so badly. She wants people to value what type of quirks they had. She turned around on her bed and looked up at her ceiling. Some levels of anger were still inside her, but still...

Melissa got up and walked over to her desk and pulled out some prints and a bag from her own backpack. She looked it over and saw it was some designs for a more slim gauntlet the two of you were working on all day. She softly placed a hand on it and looked over the plans. She looked over to her case in the corner of the room and saw the finished version of the Full Gauntlet.

She walks over to the case and opens it up. Melissa takes out the gauntlet and places it on her arm. She looks it over and drops her eyebrows slightly, sadness on her face. She sighed again and leaned back in her seat. He rubbed her head and looked at the gauntlet and the plans. She grabs her phone and looks at your contact.

Melissa trembles a little as she looks at it. She had no idea what to do here. She had no idea if she should contact you or just suffer through it. Confusion just wrapped around her brain. Melissa placed the phone down and placed her head down on the desk. She pushed back against her desk and spun a little in her chair. Melissa sighed again as she tried to piece together what needed to be done. After a couple more minutes, she had made a decision. She grabbed her phone and called someone.

Melissa: Hey, Mom. I need some help.


The following day, you walked into the lab and dropped your bag. You yawned a little and sat down at your adopted desk and began to get some work done. Physics was slowly getting easier for you, as was robotics. The seminar was still boring as hell but rocketry was pretty fun then.

You yawned and looked at your table. Once you did, you saw a daisy sitting on your table with a Lilly. You were somewhat confused but rolled with it. You then saw a little slip of paper on the desk as well. However, you brushed it to the side and continued to work on some homework for Physics. As you were working, you heard some footsteps behind you and saw a step ladder being placed beside you as Adrian appeared.

He leaned up against the desk and looked at you up and down.

(Y/N): Yes?

Adrian: Well? How did you sleep?

(Y/N): Fine. Took a while to actually get to sleep but otherwise, it was alright.

Adrian: Good, good.

Melissa Shield X Male Reader: Advancements of the HeartWhere stories live. Discover now