Finishing Touches

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It had been a good week or 2 since you and Melissa officially started dating. And since then, you guys had made great progress on the development of the Full Gauntlet and its framework. As the hours turned by, and the days had gone to rest, you two were fully prepared to test the third iteration of the gauntlet. Once you guys were fully ready for test runs, you both walked back down to the testing grounds and got everything set up once again. Similar tests were laid out and prepared to go off at any minute.

Melissa: We have the propulsion systems hot. Plenty of targets. Subjects of increasing durability. We rented out the correct equipment and-

(Y/N): Hey. We'll be fine. We have everything we need, ok? We've got it all set up and we have the gauntlet fully ready. Melissa, we don't have anything to worry about.

Melissa: I know. But I just-

(Y/N): We'll be fine.

You took her hand and made her look up at you. You offered her a slight smile and slowly pushed her back to the test console. You nodded at her and she smiled at you. As she began to punch in information, you turned around as you almost sensed something. Your eyebrows raised as you saw Adrian, David Shield, and Dr. Hall all walking up to you guys.

You lightly tap Melissa on the shoulder to get her attention. She slowly turned around and her eyes widened a bit as well.

Melissa: Dad? What are you doing here?

David: Well, someone is having a test run today. Couldn't let it go unobserved.

Melissa smiled and walked up to her father and hugged him. Shield laughed a little and hugged her right back. You couldn't help but to smile at the sight before you. You turned over and looked at Adrian and Hall. Adrian gave you a thumbs up and walked over to you and offered up a fist bump. You smiled and bumped it as Hall walked over to you.

(Y/N): Dr. Hall?

Hall: Decided to support my students. I have all the confidence.

You smiled slightly, trying to hold back a much larger grin. Melissa placed a hand on your shoulder. You nodded at her and walked over to the briefcase. You strapped on the new gauntlet and went through standard test runs. Making sure grip strength was good, making sure it felt right, making sure of x,y, and z. You looked at Melissa and nodded at her. She smiled and pointed you to the assigned point.

Melissa: Are you sure about this one?

(Y/N): Positive. Launch it.

Melissa: Ok. careful.

You turned at her and nodded. You took a deep breath as you saw the giant block of stone be dropped before you. As you waited for the spring to take off, you looked around and saw a few pro heroes watching you guys. It was clear to you that everyone was a little on edge over the test launch. And to be fair, you were too. This could actually be life or death right here. Still, you had to try.

You looked back to Melissa and saw she had a look of worry on her face. You smiled, it widening more so with every possible second. She relaxed a little and nodded at you. She grabbed a microphone and looked at you.

Melissa: Resistance test. This test will see how much force the gauntlet can take at extreme speeds. We will launch a block of pure stone at 480 kph directly at the subject. This is to see how much force the gauntlet can take and how much damage, if any, it will do to the human body. Test begins in 20 seconds.

You took another deep breath and looked over to Melissa. She mouthed a "Are you sure" to which you just nodded. Sure you were insanely nervous. But now was not the time. Now it was time for action. Which meant, now was the time to see if you would live long enough. You looked back at her as she counted down from 10. You took another deep breath.

Melissa Shield X Male Reader: Advancements of the HeartWhere stories live. Discover now