Chapter 4.5: Highway Go Go!

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Rohan's motorcycle came out of the tunnel and crashed in front of josuke with y/n behind it scraped up badly. Her head was bleeding as she tumbled in front of josuke hardly moving and josuke ran over to her wanting to heal her and his blue eyes showcased everything including worry and anger.

"Dont you dare heal me, The pain lets me know im alive and kicking, after this. Go ahead and heal me"Y/n says as she gets up with a limp in her step and she takes a piece of the motorcycle that came off when she crashed and she dragged it across the ground, josuke just noticed the large footprints on her back and was going to question about it until he saw her walk into the tunnel.

"Aye! You stupid stand, attack me not the green pepper!" Y/n whistled at the stand as josuke comes behind her. "Rohan! Are you okay?"

Rohan turns his head and he struggles to speak as he turns to look nack at y/n amd josuke. "You both..i cant believe you both came back for me."Y/n could almost see the Healthy side of rohan fading away when suddenly she raised up the broken piece from the motorcycle that came off.



"Did you really have to beat rohan with that Bike mirror? "Josuke says worried and y/n only shrugs laughing at how simple josuke thought and she smirks as they ride the motorcycle dodging the stand together. "Actually yeah, because he literally made me into a character in pink dark boy and stole a few facts out of me with his stand."y/n yells over the wind rapidly going around them and she holds joksuke tighter as they zoom off to find the stand user at the nearby hospital.

Josuke and y/n finally made it to the lobby of the hospital, by crashing into a window koichi looks over in shock to sew josuke and y/n but he wastes no time telling them that yuya fungami was in room 525. Y/n lets out a grunt of pain when josuke decided to crash into the elevator. The enemy stand right behind them as Shining diamond Closed the doors.

"You really are a guy i cant count on Koichi!" Josuke exclaims while checking y/n's face and body for any major injuries, and he notices a very large gash upon her face most likely from the wreck with rohan and when he took that sharp turn early the pavement had Scraped her knee really badly leaving it to gush out blood.

Y/n poked josuke's hair. The anger dissipated into worry for the brief moment in the elevator. "Don't worry, im fine. Lets just find this user so we can get back to normal as best as we can!" The elevator dings and as soon as it stops y/n pushes josuke in the direction of the correct room."go! The stand has my scent and if it passes through koichi it'll come for me first!" Josuke wanted to argue but y/n's gaze turned sharp and focused like His Older nephew Jotaro's. Then josuke heard y/n speak in her american accent.

"I said go before highway gogo makes it up he-"It was too late and highway gogo suddenly came and one of his footprints landed on y/n sending a wave of pain throughout her body and her eyes glowed pink before she urged herself to move forward. Then suddenly all of his feet landed on y/n but four and they went for josuke instantly. "This distance is a pain!"

Josuke opens the door to the hospital room and sees yuya laying in the bed surrounded by girls, all of them looked to be highschool delinquents with tattoos littered here and there over their bodies.

Josuke had already fallen on the floor and was being confronted by yuya's girls and by yuya himself who was wondering about josuke.

While he was questioning josuke though y/n came around the corner literally dragging herself across the halls and into the room and in front of josuke who urged her to quit moving since it would only make it worse.

"A girl too? Yuya do you knows these guys?" The blonde one asks right as y/n faints on the floor, her skeleton could lightly be seen every moment highway gogo took nutrients from her body.

"No, and i don't give a shit."Josuke rises up with holes littering his back from highway gogo and he grunts falling again to the ground as the girls suddenly hit and kick him not wanting him in the room.

" reeks of someone being really pissed off?" Yuya says a few minutes later and he looks over seeing josuke on his bedside. "Release Rohan and. My y/n right now!"

Highway gogo comes from under the hospital bed. Ready to. Attack josuke but he become prepared and hits the stand harshly hurting yuya.
"My names josuke higashikata,my stands name is shining diamond Though the target range is small it throws punches at 60 km/h. I never measured it but the closer it gets it can through punches at 300 km/h"

Josuke heals yuya and yuya suddenly frees y/n and Rohan scared of josuke and josuke in return heals yuya exciting him at being healthy again.

Y/n wakes up from Yuya's screaming and sees a glimpse of him flying out of the window. After Yuya is taken back to his room to continue his hospital stay y/n beat him a bit more not caring for morals, and she looks at him all beaten in his bed." You use highway gogo again. Im coming back for you and so is josuke..Do i make myself clear?"

Y/n's eyes turned a pinkish red as she stared at Yuya and he shrieks hurting his neck once more and he agrees. "Y-yes i promise! Now don't hurt me!"

To Be Continued!

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