Come & Go

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Josuke had finally arrived to y/n's house with jotaro in tow. Koichi was out on a date with Yukako at the moment so he couldnt come. Jotaro held josuke bacck suddenly when he felt something oberly powerful and odd and thats when star platinum punches the door down to see y/n holding what seems to be a man up by his face, josuke looks around jotaro and sees the same thing but also the gruesome scene around her. He calls out to y/n right as a force pushes the man out of y/n's hand and pulls her backwards towards him and jotaro. "I got to get out of here!"

Jotaro widens his eyes as he suddenly slams the door to the home shut and he helped hold y/n back with one hand seeing the state she was in, Her usually ahppy eyes glazed over in the pinkish hue of her stand and suddenly he began to speak. "My desire is that i wish to have more time with my wife and daughter but i have to stay away so much to keep them safe." Josuke looks at jotaro confused until he also speaks up randomly.

"I just want to make my mother the most happiest person in the world and make sure she doesnt need to depend on the old man." he stops and he hugs y/n tightly knowing that this was a emotional breakdown, he already knew the strange man inside was kira and that more than likely he had killed everyone inside just in order to gett to y/n and kill her as well. "im gonna make him pay for this..." by the time jotaro had made it back inside to check if kira was still inside he was already gone, he was partially glad though because now he could focus on the girl that was now in an emtional state beyond repair at the moment.

y/n had finally calmed down after the foundation had exhausted her stands power and she was just sitting in an empty room, she hadnt spoken to anyone but herself lately, she had held a photo of her family angrily crying and josuke walks into the room smiling trying to brighten up the girls day, but it didnt work for her.

"my heart fluttered a bit..but the butterflies arent floating around josuke..give me more time..i need to heal a bit more." y/n says softly and josuke nods sitting down next to her in order to give her a hug as he uses a brush to fix her hair being as gentle as possible. Her stand hadnt been active since that day and y/n was glad, because a stand is what had killed her parents.



"please....lets end this once and for all and make everyone who died at his hands proud."

Weeks later

"How you feeling?"Rohan looks at y/n as they got out of his car, y/n had on her casual outfit and she lifts up her sun glasses showing off her new eye color.

"I feel fine, my stand just..sorta evolved, and now my eyes are pink."She says while looking at the watch on her arm. The ticking calmed her mind as she thought to herself. Rohan looked at his wthch as well they were waiting on josuke to appear at any minute so they could look for clues or something, y/n wasn't really listening after 5 seconds into the conversation.

Y/n chewed on a piece of gum quietly, she blows out a piece of gum and looks down at her cell phone, It was her mothers phone and she. Kept it as a momento of her last days with her parents. The background was of her family having fun, right before y/n left for a different country and right before shigechi died.

"Stay with me ...
I knock on the door at midnight
I cried without going home
That season is now right in front of you
Stay with me ...
While talking to a mouthful saying
Embracing the moments of the two
I did not forget yet but I was cherishing"

Rohan listened as he looks at his watch, He was being impatient but still didn't say anything to y/n but mumbled under his breath. "Josuke should be here any minute.."

At that moment they both saw the young boy from before, The one that had been following his imposter father around. He runs up to them and tries to spill his truth about finding Kira, Y/n screams out in pain crying. "It burns! Josuke!!! Help me!"

Rohan looks at y/n in shock seeing the girl fade away into nothing as her hands were the only thing left, her charm bracelet that was given to her by shigechi long ago was broken on the ground now.

Hayato looks at Rohan in shock and Watches as Rohan to blows up screaming for Josuke. Kira gets behind Hayato smirking. "You may not know this...But this day has already played over and over..This day is Exhilarating for me..But here..I'll let you try again. Hayato "

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