Chapter 9

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Kira looks at y/n with a wicked smile on his face."Ah y/n right on time, You never fail to amaze me" Kira takes a step towards y/n reaching out to touch her face but she dodged his hands taking a few steps to the side. Her face full of disgust as her pupils dilate.


Y/n's pupils disappear in her eyes as the pink aura glows brighter within the first few seconds and y:n reads Kira's fate. She was happy that her stand would let her see peoples fate..but it could always change and right now she pretty much loved the one that was in front of her. "Y/n back away! He turned okuyasu into a bomb and blew him up!"

Y/n looks over at the teenager in the bushes and puts her hands in her pockets dodging each and every time Kira tried to touch her with his stand."Oh...another failed attempt gone..too bad another one bites the dust." Y/n takes a few quick steps back. Since her stand wasn't much of a fighting one she had no choice but to stand on the side lines for this fight.

"Ah..Such a quick girl. You're smart too..Too bad I have to add you to my collection. I want you"Kira seemingly drools as he stares at y/n but wipes it away with the back of his hand, his lust was showing through and right now wasn't the moment for that, he simply wanted to kill everyone and take y/n's hands hostage and spray a nice perfume on them hoping to take them out on a date, his nails were feeling as though they grew another inch. It was a prime killing time for him, and he didn't want to go home empty handed.

(Moments and a few scenes later)

"Uhhh Josuke that's a big bomb! " y/n whisper shouts to Josuke as Kira uses Killer queen to set one loose aimed for them all, Josuke grips his wound tighter and he looks out the window muttering a few words to himself."that must be the final blow, mine will be the same."

Josuke uses the same attack as last time as y/n crawls over to Josuke staying out of sight  of the window as she puts a hand  on the large pieces of wood That impaled josuke's side. She visibly winced as he remained conscious through her touching his body along with the constant battle for everyone's lives.

"It's painful to move my hand to my waist hayato so please take him away to safety"

"No, I'm staying here with you and that final"


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