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Coming back to japan was always supposed to be a enjoyous thing, something to be happy about. I should've been able to come home from the airport and on to meet my family waiting on me at the gate to welcome me home.

But instead that didn't happen, i was told to come home as it was urgent.  But I wasn't told what exactly had happened until i was home.

In my household, we were all sitting at the table in a thick and quiet atmosphere, i decided to break the solence though. "Where's gechi? I wanna see my little he in school?"

My parents seemed to tense up at my words. My mom started crying and my dad looked at me with a look full of sorrow. "Y/n...shigechi's been missing little over a month now...but the police says there isn't any hope for him. We thought it would be better to tell in person rather than on the phone or in letters"

Y/n's smile dropped as she felt her heart tear in half. Her brother had been missing while she was out in America having fun. How could she even have imagined this happening? Thing is...she couldn't, but someone predicted that she would have a death in her family...she never thought Shigechi out of all people.


Y/n was walking in new york when she bumped into an older lady, she looked tired and seemed to be in a rush.

"Sorry love, my husband is waiting for me in his office, I've just been rushing its better to take one step at a time."

Y/n nods getting up and helps up the old woman who suddenly gasps in shock, taking her hand from y/n."please my child, call home as soon as you can..You Will lose someone dear to you within 3 months.."

Memory ends.

Y/n wished she would've listened to the warning back then and come home, but no matter what she could never go back to that moment.

But as her parents cried y/n stood up abruptly going to her little brother room moving her hair out of the way revealing fresh ear piercings. She sits down on the bed and she hugs her brothers pillow taking in the faint smell of him. Her heart felt great pain as she looks out of the window crying to herself.

Faint memories played through her mind of her getting to met Shigechi when he was just born up until that lady moment they had together last year celebrating his birthday.

"Come back and feed me american food sis! Don't forget to collect american dollars for me! I love you!" Those were the last words said to her from it's an endless record.

"Don't worry Shigechi...I'll find out the real truth and make whoever did this pay, i swear to it"

This is how the story of An unbreakable diamond name is y/n l/ brother was on the newspapers and milk cartoons for weeks until they gave it's my turn...

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