Chapter Filler!

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Laying completely still in the hospital bed was y/n. She had been in and out of it all day, Jotaro had the speedwagon foundation help out in anyway they can, and after about 2 days they had broken y/n's fever and her eyesight had come back.

" stay with me forever? I love you so much. Dont leave my side.." Y/n watched the tv that was on the wall of her hospital room in the corner. She was eating her favorite weird snack.

The young girl swirled her French fry inside the ice cream before taking a bite. She let's it a satisfying "mmm" sound as she enjoys the flavor and texture. "This tastes like a piece of heaven.."

She had seemed to gotten better really fast. She turned her attention to the for to her room and smiled seeing two familiar buns on a small girl. "Watch out! Im an alien invader ratatata!" The small figure of a girl who y/n had gotten to know made her smile.

"Hello princess Jolyne, how are you today?" Y/n asks jolyne and the little girl smiled and climbed in bed with y/n holding a stuffed Dolphin and pulls out a pair of candy rings out of her pocket, wrapped in their packages.

"Jolyne! You cheated! You said we could take the stairs but you made me fall down them you little booger eater!" Josuke is seen coming into the bedroom gasping for breath he had lost and he had a hand resting on his hair that was seemingly falling apart.

He had stopped holding it when it all fell down in straight and curly stands due to the amount of hairspray and gel he wore. "Aghh! Im going to get you!" Josuke shouted in slight anger as he reached for jolyne but the girl screams hiding under the hospital blankets that y/n was so graciously warm in.

"Y/n save me!" Jolyne says and y/n smiles chuckling softly. "Hey noodle head, don't touch jolyne. She's such an adorable kid and jotaro would kill you."y/n mentions and continues to laugh, Josuke feels his heart skip a beat at the sound of her laugh and y/n stops grabbing Jolyne hugging the little girl tightly taking in her existence, she kissed her forehead as jolyne grabs the candy ring out of its wrappers and she gives one to y/n which looked to be strawberry while the other was blueberry.

Josuke began to sulk upsetting. "YOU SAID YOU HAD THREE!"

"Oh i did? I must've left the other one with dad!..sorry uncle josuke!" Jolyne says, but y/n could hear the mischief in her voice.

Chapter filler: Jolyne antics in the hospital!

Just so you have something to read...but how so you like the book so far? I feel like its bad and I need some assurance or something  but again thanks for reading!

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