Chapter 1

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Y/n was in her highschool and was looking out of the window at the rain clouds passing by. She heard her grandmother's voice in the back of her head and sighs. 'When it rains, its god's way of washing that person's footprints from this when they are born again they can start anew'

Y/n sat in the front of the Classroom wearing her Gym clothes, it was class break and right after Gym would be next. A few girls were surrounding a boy with a weird hairstyle. "Josuke-kun!! You keep worrying about that missing dont spend time with us anymore! His family thinks he's dead! So should you!"

Y/n turned her head slightly and her pink colored eyes squinted, and her aura changed slightly. 'The hell? They better not be talking about my gechi' she thought to herself.

The rough looking kid behind her saw a pink aura surround her and He gulps feeling concerned. "Oi! Josuke!"

She turns around and groans loudly face palming. "Dont yell right next to my ear please, you sound like you smoke 20 cigarettes a day...err" she looks around the boys uniform and looks back up. "Okuyasu, please be considerate thank you."

....... Gym class.......

In gym class y/n was preparing for dodgeball, the teams were mixed genders and y/n was just one of the quiet kids in the back.  A boy came near her and started speaking to her, his nose was funny looking and out of shape. But she knew better than to make fun of him in case he was born that way.

Y/n's pink eyes looks over at the boy when he began to place his arm around her waist. "Hands off" her aura was one of discomfort. "Come on let me take you out, i heard the Angelo rock was something to look at"

Josuke turned his head seeing his old bully talking to the new girl. Her eyes seemed to have pink flames come from them and she leaks on close, a pink like fog color escaped her lips as she spoke.

"Tell me...what is it that you truly desire?"

....after gym....

Y/n was resting near the vending machine in the hallway next to the cafeteria.  She was drinking from an apple juice box minding her own business when Josuke came up to her.

"Hey, i saw what you did, are you a stand user?"  He said and y/n squinted her eyes before rolling them. The teenager shrugs throwing away the juice box. "Yeah so what? I saw you break the door and have your stand fix it. You touch me, i will most definitely break you."

Josuke gulps and he nearly groaned when y/n poked his hair, it bounced just a little before becoming still again. "And your hair? It smells like 5 cans of hair spray..josuke....but since you approached me, i'll be nice. I want to figure out everything from everyone"

Y/n leans in close pulling josuke down to her height so she can whisper in his ear. "Tell me what you know about the missing kid named Shigechi Yangu, and i'll help you get what you most desire...but it also comes with a price"

Chapter one: Cut the introductions, Im here for business!



This fanfic will loosely follow the anime, i don't read manga anymore, so it won't follow that either. But thanks for reading

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