chapter 3

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"Who is this short gremlin?" Rohan says looking at y/n, they had met before but not properly seeing as last time he was worried about material for his Manga.

"The fuck is that? That fuck are you and what in the fuck is that green tomato behind you?" Y/n says unamused as she saw rohan use his stand On koichi.  "Such a loud mouthed Brat"

He sat ok a couch as he used Kochi as material. Writing useful things about him on the notepad he carried around. Y/n's eye twitched in annoyance, she had never meet anyone with green hair, and his headband? It was absolutely making her uncomfortable. "Y/n, if you're feeling froggy....Jump" Rohan looks up from his notepad after waking up koichi and Okuyasu steps forward with a worried look.

"Oi...Josuke?!" Okuyasu says and josuke rounds the corner as y/n's stand activates her pink eyes glowing pink as she jumps at rohan.

"Somebody should've told you...i could make or break you...i can make your desires into arrogant bastard." Y/n flinches as rohan uses heaven's door to stop her but it doesnt work, so she instead pushes the little stand aside and she smirks looking at rohan who tried to push her off as she straddles him to the chair he was in.

"Now..are you scared? If not you should be, im not afraid of you..this is our first time officially meeting and its turned into shit because of your attitude." She grabs his chin by her index finger and her thumb holding it tightly.

" stupid green tomato, tell me what you desire"

Before Rohan could tell y/n koichi ,Josuke, and okuyasu pulled y/n away from rohan as he regains consciousness scoffing."idiot..calm down i apologize for my attitude." Rohan picks up his notepad and began writing notes on y/n the old fashion way after finding out his stand doesn't work on her.

Y/n looks at him with furrowed brows and she nods her head." I want you to apologize to koichi as well, and I'll only accept your apology if you give ne the first copy of every pink dark boy manga. Every month along with a milkshake."

Rohan groans agreeing to y/n's terms not liking them at all. How could He do what some highschool girl said? It was embarrassing.

[Next day ]

Y/n was with Josuke at his home and his mother tomoko looks at the girl with her arms crossed. "She's cute..but all room doors are to stay open and you guys can only be in the living room to watch movies in the dark or play video games. Josuke dont test me" Tomoko says and she rubs her sons hair walking back towards the kitchen.

"Wow, your moms nice.." Y/n says with a bored look and she raises a hand to her temple on the left side of her head as josuke led the way to the living room. A pounding headache was happening all of a sudden, and she didnt like it.

She sat down as josuke smiled sheepishly to go get snacks, leaving the girl alone to her own thoughts and pain.

"Y/n..why didnt you come home? shouldve saved me"

Y/n widens her eyes hearing Shigechi's voice and she looks around the living room not believing what she had heard , but then heard it again.

"You said you would protect me..because people were always mean..sis..i did well to not be a bother..but where were you when i needed you?"

Y/n's headache was panicking and she felt a fever coming on, Josuke had just walked into the living room as y/n stood up grabbing her jacket, the air around her felt suffocating to her and her bones were hurting..and then finally, she felt as if she was on fire. She had screamed all of a sudden in pure pain and josuke drops the platter of fruits and snacks he prepared with his mother and he uses shining diamond to catch y/n as she goes unconscious.

He notices how her eyes, are still wide open and her whole eyeballs were a blinding shining pink, Tomoko runs around the corner and gasps seeing y/n on the ground passed out. "I'll call the hospital!"

[At the hospital]

Y/n woke up and she couldnt properly see, her hands wandered up to her face where her eyes were and she notices how she cant see. Everything was a blank space, nothing seemed to be there, but she felt another presence in the room, one that felt eerily familiar and another that was also friendly.

" could've saved me..He killed school..No one Noticed..Even as i died i told josuke he was helping..and trying to get revenge, while you were in america, living life to the fullest"

Y/n shakes her head and felt her tears streaming down her face, she started to cry, sobbing loudly. "Shigechi...i didn't mean too, i didn't know" 

Josuke woke up from his nap at y/n's side and he gets up to give her a hug, a very tight and firm one. "Don't cry, it's okay..he doesn't blame you, don't think you're to blame, i should've been there for him."

Y/n felt what she would describe as an electric shock as josuke hugged her, she felt in pain but was oddly calmed down. "Your stand is overwhelming you at the moment , Jotaro is on his way here to help, his mother went through something similar when he was a kid...your parents Will be by after work"

Y/n couldn't see it, but josuke could. And he saw how y/n suddenly had new and wilted pink carnations were around her body, matching the color of her still brightly glowing eyes. He heard the door open as jotaro steps through the for to the room and Even Jotaro looks at the girl who is in fetal position in josuke's lap resting. Despite being in pain, she looked somewhat peaceful and comfortable.

Chapter 3: I hear you..but can't see you- complete!

Hope you like this Chapter, sorry i was sick for awhile, but im back. See you next update🤙☺☺

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