chapter 4

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[Time skip to about a month later]

A lot had happened inn the pay month since y/n had gotten better. Rohan head been under attack by another stand user that was just a kid, upset at losing a few games of Janken. Josuke had tricked Rohan at playing a gambling game with trick Dice, but was it mentioned that the dice were not real but an actual alien not from outer space? Y/n thought they were all kidding until she witnessed him shape shift and so inhuman things. Then they both almost get trapped in a weird cable structure forever, but their smart moves and weird thoughts them out in the end.

//current day\\

Y/n sighs as she had returned to class sitting in the window seat during class break, she became good friends with Yukako after all the Koichi drama and stalking her as a potential love rival.

The girl mentioned though was in a grade higher than all the group of friends and would go to college soon for a good career. She and Koichi had been dating for about a week now and Josuke and y/n had been saying for a almost a month after christmas.

Y/n also had gotten to meet The ghost girl in the alleyway and her loyal pup. They we're an adorable duo. Y/n tapped her finger along the desk that she was occupying waiting for the bell to ring as the lecture went on and on. Her light blue nails tapped on the desk impatiently and she felt a piece of paper hit her cheek and she looks over at Josuke tiredly but she manages to smile right as the bell rings.

"Finally, lets go home." Josuke says wrapping his arm around y/n's waist happily while she leaned her head against his shoulder. Her head repaying the song by Paul Anka she loved so much.

As they got on a bus home though they both saw rohan and he was glaring at Josuke making the big shudder in slight fear. Y/n nudges him sighing. "Why are you so scared of the green tomato? How sit down you big baby" y/n urges Josuke and he does as told with y/n sitting next to him, As rohan spoke with Josuke y/n watched the bus drive towards a tunnel, as the bus went in y/n yawned and closed her eyes ready to take a nap. But she witnesses something weird and She stands up looking out the window with rohan who also noticed it.

"You saw that too right?" Rohan asks her and she gives him a deadpanned look nodding. "Of course i saw it, im not a bat you know." She says and rohan ignores the sarcasm asking Josuke if he had saw anything at all.

But y/n doesn't take her eyes off of the scenes playing out in front of her. First there was an opened door with a glimpse of a table and someone laying on it And then the next was a window fully displaying a woman on the table and a man holding a knife Aiming towards her hands ready to cut them and then he does it, blood splattered on the window infront of rohan and he turns to see if Josuke saw anything which leads into Josuke yelling. But they both stop noticing tears down y/n's face and she grits her teeth slightly in anger as her Eyes turned bright pink and the window cracks from just her intense glare.

"Rohan...That bastard that just did that..he killed my brother"

Both men shuddered at y/n's voice tone seeing that it was very threatening and made them both calm down.

//At Rohan's bus stop\\

Josuke looks at y/n as she gets on the Motorcycle with rohan as he watches them go away on it back towards the tunnel. He couldn't get over what he had saw and y/n too, they wanted to prove what hd happened wasnt a figment of imagination.

Y/n and rohan both went into the tunnel ever so slowly. And watched for a few minutes as they saw nothing but exit signs. Y/n got off of the motorcycle and touched the wall. "I was sure...ah!" She fell through the door and on the floor of the house she saw, rohan fell on top of her landing on her awkwardly with his elbow in her back.

"Get off of me you big fucking oompa loompa!" But when he didn't reply back at y/n's snide remark she looked up and saw everything from the bus she was in earlier, only the man and woman weren't there.

They both got up looking around the room observing at the door in case they needed to leave. But they heard a creaking sound. And they both turned to look at an armoire in the room and they both dashed out quickly without a beat. "Fuck somethings in the room. Go rohan Go!!"

But rohan didn't move a single inch until the last second when something came close by him and y/n that he decided to speed off. But after only a moment of speeding down the tunnel to get out, He had to slow down a bit to get out of a trucks way as to not wreck and him doing that cause y/n to get hit by the stand that was chasing them, She gritted her teeth frowning.

'This. Doesn't look to good..where's the user??"

To Be Continued! ✍


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