Skipping Time

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Hayato only had to save 1 person..and he chose y/n to go and warn the others about Kira,But every time he would try to save her, Kira changed up his game and reached y/n and turned her into dust. "Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. Hayato my son, when will you ever learn your lesson?"

Hayato screamed for what felt like forever until he woke up the next day with a plan and this time he was going to execute it correctly so that no one innocent would die.

"Did you run your mouth off to koichi? Or maybe to jotaro?  Hayato you've lived through this morning numerous times already seeing as to how frantic you are to get to them, where they  trying to  investigate me koichi? Who did you murder this time?  Was it that poorly dressed fellow Rohan over there? Or that girl y/n? It would make me extremely happy to know that you took care of her for me considering she is exactly my type...Body and all."

Kira stands up straight looking up at the sky with a smirk on his face, a look of pride flashing through. "After all those people die I will remove bites the dust" a laugh erupts from kira's mouth happily as he relishes in his newly felt victory. "It took awhile but luck is finally on The side of Yoshikage Kira!"

Hayato gasps in realization and he tries to speak only to be cut off by Kira himself ."Yes my real name is yoshikage kira. Shout it to the heavens if you want to tell, by the way do you have the time?"

Hayato glares at Kira as he speaks loud and clear." Your dead wrong, I haven't mentioned you to anyone! I never opened my mouth to anyone because I knew exactly what would happen if I did, so instead I made a call this morning to a friend! I remember he said he overslept and was running late! So I gave him a call and woke him up so he could save his friends! I didn't break any rules either! Remember one thing though! I'm not the one that revealed your identity you did that yourself just now! I Just stalled so he could have time to drag himself out of bed and to get here on time!!"

Kira turns around and sees Josuke standing behind him with his hand beside his hair more likely to fix it. Kira widens his eyes in slight panic at the realization.

Josuke grunts as he looks at Kira his thoughts running wild looking at Kira, thinking about the times he and his friends were suffering because of this terrible man. Josuke hears a voice call out to him and he instinctively puts a hand up telling them to stop his mind fogged with the man in front of him."hold it! This guy isn't who he says he is! This is maybe coincidence or maybe just a chance because of fate okuyasu, I heard this guy say a certain name."

Kira looks shocked as both friends stand intent of him and he stutters a bit looking at them both." I don't believe it!" Josuke glares harder than he ever has before as his blue eyes seemed to gleam with hatred never seen before."believe it asshole! You just mentioned you were yoshikage Kira!"

(20 minutes has passed...Brought to you by Star platinum and jotaro kujo)

"I'm going to check the street corner and e see if it had a phone, I'll call josuke's and see if his mom has woken him up she sent him out" y/n says with a yawn, the boys near her all nod in agreement. Koichi looks at y/n sighing watching as the girl turned the corner. " poor y/n...she lost her whole family to Kira..."

"Yeah...And her stand has manifested into her physical appearance, the speedwagon foundation won't rest until after she has been healed even a bit" jotaro says as he looks at his watch wondering where Josuke was.

"Y/n l/n...what a surprise..You came in on time!" Kira says as he catches y/n off guard and tries to attach a bomb to her, but last second she dodged it jumping back a few feet away as her eyes glow pink .

" yoshikage Kira...what a surprise to see your ugly ass...You still look like a badger mole..."

To be continued.... Sorry for not updating I've been busy with life and recently got into a car wreck I'm in the middle of healing right now so it'll take time for me to do so...


Sept.16.2021 @ 1:35Am

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