Chapter 2

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Y/n sat at a sandwich shop ordering a sandwich that was very popular on the menu. She looks at the cartoon of milk that she had also purchased and noticed her brother's smiling face.

'Yangu Shigechi, 13 , If you see this lost child please call the local authorities!'

Y/n sat outside of the sandwich shop eating. Her sandwich quietly not really keeping track of what's going on around her. "Hey y/n" The girl looks up and notices Josuke and his friend Koichi.

She shakes Koichi's hand and looks away uninterested."take a seat both of you, and please tell me what happened." Both of the teens sit down together and they. Begin to answer all of y/n's questions before Josuke raises his eyebrow unsure of something.  "Who is shigechi to you anyway y/n?"

"Im his older sister, Y/n Yangu. I moved back after hearing that he was missing. But now that i know he died in the worst way i want his killer to experience the same." A chill ran down the boy's spines as they heard the tone in y/n's voice.

But she instead smiled almost scarily. "But please, continue about your day, i need to go home soon as to not worry my parents" y/n says and she gets up briefly before stopping.

"Oh and josuke...about what you'll come to you soon in some way, but money cannot make you happy truly"

...........time skip........

Weeks went by and y/n had gotten to know more about josuke, his friends, and his nephew that was older than him. It was a saturday now and y/n had woke up to the radio playing its little jingle. The girl smashed her hand down on the radio and it shut off quickly as she got up and had gotten ready for the day.

"Excuse me, pardon me" Y/n was jogging through the park before she had decided to take a little break from her morning jog. She saw a man sitting on a bench and approached him rather slowly. "Hello, is it okay if i sit here for a moment sir?" The man raises his head and his blonde hair was neatly put back.

"Oh no, not at all. Please do take a seat." His hands seemed to twitch as he watched y/n sit down. His nails grew a tad-bit as he looked at the teenager beside him sweating somewhat.

She pushed a loose strand of hair behind her ear taking notice of her nails, they were freshly painted red with a neatly black streak on the thumb. He found her hands to be so attractive and gentle, he wanted them.

The girl looks at her watch a few moments later and her eyes get wide as she quickly gets up bowing at him. "Thank you so much sir for letting me sit here for a moment, but i really must go now! Thanks again" y/n. Says and she jogs before running off at top speed to meet her friends at an alleyway.

The blonde man looks at the girl running away before he smirked. "No, the pleasure is all of sweet not here" He gets up after his thoughts calmed in his mind and he had walked of in the opposite direction for his lunch.

A sinister aura clouding him all too suddenly as he made his way, his thoughts going on and on annoy the recent young woman he had killed, her hand was inside of his dresser right now remaining 'youthful' and keeping it's natural 'fragrance'.

But after it would rot he would look for the girl he had just seen, she looked delectable and was awfully nice to him. "It's a shame what'll happen to her...but soon"

Chapter 2: Jogging in morioh while ignoring the radio

Its a semi-filler already. Sorry.

But's another chapter before i drop from the radar for about a week.

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