Chapter 2

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"-So... Do I need to see him today? It's not like I'm a new member asking to join the pack...
-Exactly! Therefore, it won't take long. I don't know why are you making a big deal out of it!! GOSH... you're still as introverted as I remember."

I'd been nagging about the topic for a few minutes now. I didn't know why I was bothered by this visit, I just felt uneasy meeting Alpha Sarvan.

When I was a kid, I had always like Alpha James, Alpha Sarvan's father, he was a great leader. Due to my father's position as head worrior, we were always present for the pack's dinners and celebrations which made us very close to the alpha, beta and gamma's families.

My brother was better at making friends and was soon found to be friend with their kids but that wasn't the case for me. I could even say that they wouldn't have been aware of my existence if not for my unique fighting skills.

Alpha James was the first to encourage me when I decided to become a pack doctor and he was the one to propose the deal that had my father convinced.
But my relationship with Alpha Sarvan or the lack of it, dare I say, was another story. I had never had a conversation with him.

Coming out of my daze, I realized we were nearing our house. Nothing had changed; the dark wooden door was still standing tall in the middle of the white-stone facade with a small path, lined with roses, leading to it.

With each step, I could hear my heart pounding harder and louder.

I must have stopped walking at some point since I found myself being dragged by my brother by one hand while using the other to knock on the door.

Seconds passed as if they were years before I heard footsteps approaching the entrance. From the distinct floral scent, I immediately knew it was my mother, and for that, I was grateful.
The door opened to reveal her in a long blue dress with her hair tied up in a messy bun.

In a blink of an eye, she had me locked in a hug while calling my father's name.

"Jeez woman! Why are you yelling?? You know I can hear you well even if you are whispering, that's called sensitive h..."

His words were caught in his throat when he reached the door and saw me standing there. Reluctantly, my mother released me and moved aside so my father could take her place. But as expected, he didn't hug me... I think I took it from him those personal space issues. Instead, he ruffled my hair.

"-Welcome home worrior!
  -Thank you sir.
  -Now that you are back, you can resume your training to finally take my place. Tomorrow, training with the pack starts at 8, I expect you to be there at 6."

"Oh for God's sake Henry let the kid have some rest, she's just got home. Come on in, put away your stuff and rest a bit. I'll prepare your favorite meal for dinner."
Mom interjected, guiding me into the house while sending deadly glares towards my dad.

At any other time, I would be laughing at their banter but my father's words hunted me even when I started unpacking. Tomorrow, the cat wouldn't be able to hide any longer and the secret would be revealed.

Chills ran through my body thinking about the different scenarios that could play once the truth was out there. And let me tell you, none of them had a happy ending.

"Lili", came my brother's voice to bring me back to reality.

"Lili, we have to go now, we're already late."

That's exactly what I needed right now, I said to myself while stomping my way to my bedroom's door. Swinging it open, I nearly hit my face.

"Fucking perfect...
Let's go. I can't wait for this to end and be done with all this shit!"

Ben was looking at me as if I had just gone crazy. I must admit though, I was overreacting but I couldn't put my finger on what was bothering me about meeting Alpha Sarvan.

The walk to the pack house was silent. Ben kept on trying to lighten the mood but I was grateful when he stopped.
Once in the pack house, all eyes were on me. Greetings were coming from every corner, I felt suffocated but kept smiling and thanking everyone for their warm welcome.

As we were nearing the alpha's office on the second floor, a strange entrancing smell made me stop in my track.

No, no, no... this can't happen to me now. My mate can't find me now... please not now. I prayed to no one in particular. My mate would definitely reject me, I was a mere human after all.

I was getting ready to run for my life when the alpha's door jolted open and the most gorgeous green eyes met mine.

My heart skipped a beat when I came to the realization that Alpha Sarvan was my mate. The initial shock and joy were soon replaced by jealousy and anger when a long sexy blonde girl stood next to him and put a hand on his chest whispering the words that broke my heart into a million pieces.

"Sarvan baby, is everything okay?"

"Oh hi Ben!", she said looking at my brother and then turned towards me extending her hand.

"I don't think we've met before. I'm Annabelle, Alpha Sarvan's mate. Are you a new member here?"

All of the sudden, it felt like I was drenched in cold water. My hands balled into fists and my breath quickened. Closing my eyes, I willed myself to relax, eversince my wolf's disappearance, railing my emotions became a thousand times easier.

Putting the fakest smile on my face, I met her hand for a shake.

"Nice meeting you Luna, I'm Lili-Mae, the new pack doctor and an old member of the Crimson's pack."

"She's not your Luna!"

My head snapped toward the angry voice, those were Alpha Sarvan's first words directed to me.

"Yet... I'm not Luna yet. But it's all a matter of time."

I couldn't take my eyes away from his green ones and for a second there, I could have sworn that I saw a flash of hurt in his eyes but it soon disappeared behind a cold stare.

"Ben, Annabelle, please excuse us. Miss Hart and I need to have a talk about her new position." He was using his alpha tone and god if that wasn't sexy...

With a frown on her face, the "luna" left while ben gave me a reassuring nod before leaving me alone with his alpha.

Looking back at the Alpha, I dreaded what to come.

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