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"Ok let's see what we have here. I don't understand why F/N would have so many books on how to cook." Eda mumbled to herself as she looked over a cook book. She was making dinner for herself, her husband, F/N, King and her two year old son, Y/N. The food was in the oven, Eda was reading the book to make sure she did everything right.

Usually her husband, F/N did all the cooking but earlier that day he left for work in a hurry. For some reason he seemed concerned all week, he had a look on his face as if he did something wrong. Earlier that afternoon he told Eda that he had to handle something important and that he made a terrible mistake. He gave Eda a quick kiss and Y/N a hug goodbye and quickly ran off.

So far he was gone for nearly seven hours. At this point Eda was kinda nervous but tried not thinking too much of it. She decided that if he didn't return in the next hour or so, she would go look for him herself.

"Boo." Eda heard a voice call out and hug her leg gently. "I got you." Eda heard and looked down to see her son, Y/N.

" Eda heard and looked down to see her son, Y/N

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(Ignore cat ears and tail.)
"Boo. I'm a little ghost. Boo." The small child child said. Eda smiled and rolled her eyes playfully. "No, it's call Ghosttan, not ghost." King said as he face palmed. King had been talking to Y/N about different types of demons and talked about Ghosttan. A demonic like ghosts beings. Y/N found that one funny.

"Well hope my little ghost is hungry, because dinner is almost ready." Eda said as she pulled out the food from the oven.

"Oh come on! See, this is way your dad does all the cooking!" Eda said annoyed "Look at what I made!" Eda said and pointed to what all she cooked

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"Oh come on! See, this is way your dad does all the cooking!" Eda said annoyed "Look at what I made!" Eda said and pointed to what all she cooked

"Oh come on! See, this is way your dad does all the cooking!" Eda said annoyed "Look at what I made!" Eda said and pointed to what all she cooked

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