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(7762 words. Hope people like this. Oh god my hand feels like a pin cushion.)

At Eda's Human Collectibles stand. Eda was dusting the table, looking bored, Scare was organizing the shelves, while Luz is reading the first Azura book to King and Y/N.

"Emboldened by the dishonor Hecate had shown, Azura lifted her staff to the cotton-candy skies and shouted, "I challenge you to a Witch's Duel!" And look! I drew a flip book." Luz said as she flips between two pages.

"Pew, pew, pew!" Luz said.

"Not bad...for a human." Y/N said.

"Show me the picture." King said peeking over the top of the book.

"What?" Luz asked.

"Show me the picture!" King asked and Luz did.

"Hah! I can draw better than that. You know, they once called me the King of Artists." King said.

"Wait. I thought you were the King of Demons. Are you just making this up now?" Luz asked with a grin.

"Oh please. I've seen him draw. They look about as stable as a bomb shelter made out of popsicle sticks." Scare said.

"I've improved since then! They are not as blocky!" King said. "Hey Scare, isn't that your girlfriend?" King asked and pointed over to someone. Scare looked behind him and his button eyes shrunk.

"Oh no." Scare screamed in horror. Luz looked up at Scare and raised a eyebrow confused.

"What's got you worked up?" Luz asked confused. She thought for a minute and gasped. "Is it someone from a dark and mysterious past you have?! Is it the one who made you?!" She said in excitement.

"You really gotta stop saying stuff like that, like it's a good thing." Y/N said.

"NO LUZ! It's a girl who has an obsession with me! Oh god I need to hide! And like I would tell you who made me!" Scare said terrified and looked around frantically.

"Trust me, I've been trying to get the answer of who made him, for years, he won't talk." Y/N said.

"Come on, she can't be that bad." Luz said calmly. "Oh ya? Picture the most obsessive person alive, now dial it up by ten." Scare said.

"Oh.....that scary? No wonder he's trying to hide. Can't you just say your not interested?" Luz asked.

"YOU DONT THINK I TRIED THAT ALREADY?!? That was the first thing I tried!" Scare said as he looked for a place to hide.

"Scary?" A voice called out. Scare immediately froze up and gulped nervously. He slowly turned to the direction of the voice.

"Scary!" She said happily and jumped onto Scare

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"Scary!" She said happily and jumped onto Scare. She wrapped her legs around his waist and started kissing his face repeatedly. "Oh god..why me? God, did I do something to piss you off?" Scare thought sadly to himself.

Owl house (Luz x Eda's son reader)Where stories live. Discover now