The lying witch and a warden: Part 1

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Magic is believing in yourself. If you can do that, you can make anything happen.

(Stop at 2:23)

As Luz and her mother talked, a little owl and a figure in a cloak snuck into their house. "Alright little owl, let's see what we can find." The person in the cloak said as they started looking through the house.

"No." The figure said as they found a Chinese vase.

"Nope." They said as they found a golden watch.

"Negative." They said as the found a safe full of money.

"Oh la la. Come to papa." They said as the found a bunch of spoons, forks, a spatula, a couple frying pans, and a bag of popcorn. They also took a couple of comic books.

The figure grabbed them all a put them in a bag. "Alright, let's go." The figure said but stopped as they saw Luz put her book the the trash can. "I spy with my little eye, a big old book." The figure said and snuck outside.

When nobody was looking, the figure quickly took the book out of the trash. "Big score." The figure mumbled to themself.

Once Luz's mother left, she started looking in the trash for her book. Only to discover that it was no in the place she had originally put it. "Where is it?! Where is it?!" Luz mumbled as she looked around. She looked up and saw a Owl and someone in a cloak walking off with a large bag of stuff, including her book.

"Uhm..........see ya!" The figure said and started running off.

"Tiny and medium trash thieves!" Luz said a she chased the two.

The figure and owl ran from her as fast as possible and soon ran into a old house. "Let's go! Let's go! Let's go!" The figure said as they quickly ran to a door with a giant yellow eye on it and jumped in as Luz followed.

"Stop adorably running and hopping you..." Luz said as she ran after them and soon found herself in a large purple tent filled with all kinds of odd and strange items.

"Wow, and I thought I had a lot of weird things. But this, this impressive." She said.

"Finally, your both back!" A voice called out. Luz immediately panicked and hid in some of the stuff. She slowly walked up to the exit of the tent to see where she was, who was talking, and to hopefully get her book back.

First, she saw the cloaked figure. The person in the cloak put their hands on their hood and lowering the hood. A male with a mix of orange and (Hair color.) hair, pale skin, had yellow eyes, and a yellow and black outfit. The male pulled out a cane and top hat. They were about her hight, only a few inches taller. He was also skinny.

Luz couldn't help but blush at the male.

The male straighten his outfit and looked up at the woman talking to him. "Sorry we're late, mom. You will be happy to know I managed to get a few valuable things." The male said and opened the bag. "Nice work you two! Now let's see what we have today." The woman said as the tiny owl hopped on her cane. She then turned the owl around a bit until it locked in place.

Luz was both confused and amazed at what she saw.

"Nice work kiddo." The woman said as he ruffled her son's hair and kissed his forehead gently. She then started looking through the bag. "Great value." She said about the spoons. "Worth a great deal." She said about a bottle of shampoo. "Something great will come out of this!" She said about a dvd of Batman and Robin.

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