Witches before wizards Part 1.1

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Fourteen years ago

"AAAAAHHHHHH!" Eda screamed in pain. "Your doing great Eda. Just one more push." The doctor said. Tonight was the night, after eight long months of pregnancy, Eda was finally giving birth to her first baby. Eda was holding Ted's hand, tightly.

"Eda please! Loosen your grip please!" Ted was begging. His hand felt like it was being crushed. He knew Eda had a strong grip, but not this strong. "AAAAHHHH!" Eda screamed again, only this time, another scream was heard and Eda's pain went away. Her eyes widened as she heard the new scream.

"Is that them?" Eda asked. She wanted to know if it was her baby. The doctor wrapped something up in a little blanket. The doctor had a happy look on her face. "So adorable." The assistant said as he smiled. "Congratulations, it's a boy." The doctor said as she handed Eda her baby boy. The infant cried softly in Eda's arms. Eda looked at him with a tearful look. This was her baby, she couldn't believe it. She had never been more happy.

She hugged him gently. "Hey little guy. I'm your mama." She said and kissed his cheek gently. She looked over at Ted, who had tears in his eyes and a happy look on his face. "I'm a daddy." He said happily.

Eda smiled and looked down at her baby boy. The infant had calmed down and looked at Eda. Eda kissed his forehead gently. "Let's name him Y/N. I've always wanted a son or daughter named Y/N." Ted said as he laid his head on his wife's shoulder. Eda wanted to name him something him something else, but was too tired to argue. "We aren't telling your sister, correct?" He asked. "Nope. But her face would be priceless. She'll probably be like, "Edalyn! You had a baby! When did this happen!? You leave and marry and now this! Do you even know how to be a parent!"" Eda mimicked what her sister might possibly say.

Y/N whined at how loud Eda was being. "Aww. I'm sorry little guy." Eda said in a cute voice as she looked down at her baby and rubbed his cheeks gently. She lightly kissed his forehead. She couldn't believe it, she was now a mother. She nuzzled his small head gently.

"Is the baby here?" Hooty asked as he stuck his head into the room. Not only was Y/N born three days early, but Eda and Ted figured that it would be safer if the birth happened at the house, in order to avoid detection from the Emperor's coven.

The infant was startled by Hootys sudden entrance and began crying. "Thanks a lot Hooty." Eda said as she rocked Y/N gently.

Present day.

The morning sun rose over the Boiling Isles. Luz was resting peacefully in her new room in the Owl House. As she was sleeping, she remembered all the events from the day before. From following Owlbert into the Boiling Isles, entering the Owl House, and then being scared almost to death when flying for the first time.

Soon, she woke up with a jolt. She saw King sleeping at her feet and looked around the room. "It wasn't a dream!" She said happily as she got out of bed and opened her window. "Good morning terrifying, fantasy world!" Luz said happily as she looked outside.

"Good morning!" A monster of some kind said back as it sank into the sea. Luz wasn't really sure what to think about that, but it wasn't the most surprising thing she saw.

She walked over to the sleeping King. She picked him up gently. "Good morning, you little cutie pie." Luz said in a cute voice as she picked up the on awake King.

She began kissing his cheek repeatedly. "I am not your cutie pie!" King said as he tried and failed to avoid Luz kissing his cheek. "Yes you are." Luz said to him as she hugged him gently. She then sat him down on the ground. King sighed in despair. "I know."

Next, Luz entered Scares room. His room was right next to her room. The bits of straw and hay were a dead give away.

Scare was currently sleeping on a bed made out of hay while using three pillows filled with cotton

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Scare was currently sleeping on a bed made out of hay while using three pillows filled with cotton. He was also wearing a sleep mask.

"Good morning enchanted or possibly possessed Scarecrow!" Luz said happily. "AH!" Scare said in alarm and landed a punch on Luz. She fell back. It wasn't even a hard punch. It was like being hit with a pillow.

Scare took off his sleeping mask and looked down at Luz. "Oh geez, Luz. I'm sorry." He said as he realized he punched Luz. Luz immediately sprung back up. "It's fine. It wasn't even that hard of a punch." Luz said with honesty

Luz walked out of Scares room and went to the bathroom. It had a ladies sign on the door, like one you would see on a bathroom. There was also another sign on it that said "and Ted, and Y/N." And another that said "And Scare." And the last one said "And King." Liz was a bit confused when she saw the word Ted on the sign. She didn't met or know who Ted was. She wondered if that was Eda's husband/Y/N's father. She figured she could ask Eda.

As soon as she opened the door, a owl flew out. Luz yelped in surprise and walked into the bathroom.

"Hi Luz!" Hooty said as Luz was walking backwards towards him. Luz was without a doubt startled by this. She turned and hit Hooty in the head. "Ow! I'm just wishing you good morning!" Hooty said as he traveled back to the front door. "Geez. Hoot. Ow." Hooty said

"Sorry Hooty." Luz said as she then looked on the counter and saw her Azura book.

She picked up the book abs flipped to a page where for some reason, it har a close up shot of Azura's face.

"This is it, old girl. Your first day on the Boiling Isles, as a witch apprentice." Luz said with excitement. "Umm, you mind keeping down, witch appreciate?" Y/N's voice spoke out. Luz looked behind her and saw Y/N sticking his head out of the shower. Luz squeaked as she saw him.

"Can't a guy shower in privacy?" He asked a bit annoyed. "Sorry Y/N!" Luz said as she blushed with embarrassment. She only saw his head sticking out of the shower. "Quick question. Does Eda keep any witchy clothes?" Luz asked.

"It's in a closet in the hallway." Y/N said as he stuck his head back in the shower. Luz wasted no time heading to the closet.

Before she knew it. She was wearing a robe and a witch hat. She even got herself a name tag. She was now eagerly awaiting for her mentor, Eda.

Eda soon arrived at the top of the stairs. She was wearing a purple sweater and a dark blue skirt.

"Good morning Eda the Owl Lady. I am ready for my first day of Witch Apprenticeship!" Luz said with excitement.

"Who are you again?" Eda asked.

Y/N, King, and Scare were at the kitchen table. King was sitting in a high chair. Scare was wearing a red scarf, a red and white flannel shirt, blue jean shorts, a brown jacket, hiking boots, and his hat. Y/N looked down at the exposed wood that was Scares legs. Y/N took a sip of apple blood.

"Remember me? Luz?" Luz was asking Eda as they walked to the kitchen together. Luz was trying to remind Eda of her and the events of yesterday. Using magic, Eda got herself a cup that said "30 and Flirty." It hit Luz in the head.

"We freed the oppressed and defeated the evil warden together?" Luz explained to Eda. "She's the girl who practically saved us the other day." Y/N said

"Oh ya." Eda said in realization. She opened the fridge and got out a cup of apple blood.

"Also kid, lay off the details. I haven't even had my cup of apple blood yet." Eda said. "You mean apple juice?" Luz asked

"No." Eda said as she took a sip. Y/N also took a sip his apple blood.

Eda sat down on the table. Luz wasted no time on asking Eda about learning magic. "Teach me some spells. When do I get a magic staff? Was I supposed bring my own runes? *Gasp* Do your have a dangerous magical quest for me?!" Luz asked

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Take it easy Luz. This is just day one of becoming a witch. This is gonna take time. Like it's gonna take at least a few weeks or a couple months." Y/N explained to Luz. "That's my boy!" Eda said happily at her son. "Y/N is right, though. Being a witch doesn't happen over night. Also your wearing a bathrobe and wearing the dirtiest traffic cone I've ever seen." Eda pointed out.

Luz took off what she thought was a witches hat. With one small blow, dust blew and it was shown to actually have been covering a traffic cone.

King just laughed. "But a magic staff, huh? You really want one?" Eda asked. "More than anything." Luz said as it looked like her eyes were lighting up.

Scare snickered a bit. "This is gonna be good." He said

How do you think Lilith will react to being a aunt and learning of Y/N's existence?

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