The lying which and a warden Part 2

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Eda, Y/N, King, Scare, and Luz arrived at the penitentiary after a few minutes. The group had gotten there by flying on Eda's staff. King had hopped on to Luz's head. "Remind me why I have to travel by this." Scare asked as he removed the rope around his hips. A rope had been tied to him and the rope was attached to Eda's staff. He spent the flight hanging on by the rope.

"You know Y/N still needs his palaceman to get his staff to work. Besides, it's funny to see you dangling from there and getting hit by whatever we pass." Eda said. Scare looked at Y/N. "Well, I'm tired of being tied up with rope." Scare said as he pulled a bird out of his head.

"And I'm tired of hearing you complain." Eda fired back at Scare. Scare just rolled his button eyes in annoyance

"Where are we?" Luz asked as she looked around and saw a rather large building. It was hard to tell what it was exactly. It looked like some kinda mix between a mansion and a prison.

"We're in Slender Mans retirement house, where do you think we are? We are at the  Conformatorium." Y/N said with a sly grin.

"A place for those considered unsuitable for society." Eda added on. Luz looked at the castle and felt slightly nervous as she looked at it.

She stepped back and bit and saw a wanted poster of Eda, King, Y/N, and Scare.

"Whoa, these guys really have the hots for you." Luz said as she looked at the poster. There was a 1000000000000 cash award. Or at least what she assumed was cash.

"What can we say. We're wanted people." Scare said as he crossed his arms. "Yep. But we were never caught because we're too slippery." Eda said. "Try to catch me when I'm covered in grease. I'm a squirmy little fella." King said as he squirmed Luz's head.

"I learned that the hard way." Scare mumbled as Eda, King, and Y/N laughed at the memory. "What happened?" Luz asked, confused by what Scare had meant. "Oh nothing important." Eda said.

"Hello, we gotta get my crown." King said slightly impatient. "You, Scare, Y/N and I will sneak up to the top of the tower where their holding my crown." King said a s pointed up to a large tower. "And I'm gonna make sure the warden is distracted." Eda said as she stood next to King.

Luz gasped in excitement as she looked at them. "Will I need a disguise?" She asked with excitement in her voice. "Uh..." Eda said with uncertainty.

But before Eda could even come up with a response, Luz already got her disguise. "I've been waiting to use this." Luz said as she put her hood on and revealed two little fake cat ears. "Meow, meow." Luz said.

Y/N couldn't help but chuckle at Luz's cuteness. ".......Can't tell if I'm disturbed or something like that." Scare said. "It's hideous." King said. "Oh you'll fit right in." Eda said as she lifted her staff and hit the ground. A large glowing light appeared under Luz, Y/N, Scare, and King. "Mom? Do you think your gonna need any help?" Y/N asked his mother. He just didn't wanna see her get hurt. Eda smiled at her son and ruffled his hair gently. "That's sweet but I got this. I've been doing this even before you were born." Eda said as she watched the four get lifted into the air. "Hang on." Eda said to them.

The four were lifted up to the tower and stopped at a opening. Before anyone could get off, the light lifting them disappeared. "Ah!" The four said. The four looked like a human chain with a scarecrow and whatever King was.

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