I Was a Teenage Abomination PT 2

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"Welcome to Hexside School of Magic and Demonics. Remember to stay hidden, okay?"

Luz, inside Willow's abomination pot, squealed and giggled in excitement as they arrived at the large school.

Once inside of Hexside. Willow stopped at her locker, tickling it to make it open its mouth and give her her books. A shorter boy, reading a magazine bumps into her. He had brown skin and dark brown hair with lighter shades. His upper lip was curved, similar to Luz. Like all the witches and demons on the Boiling Isles, he has pointy ears. His eyes are dark blue.

"Hmm?" Willow asked.

"Willow, you would not believe humans." He said to her as he looked at his magazine.

"Humans? Psh. I haven't seen any. What?" Willow said in concern as she looked at the pot.

The boy then showed her the magazine.

"Did you know that humans nail barbed wire to their kids' teeth? But why? Maybe to make them magnetic." The boy said skeptically.

"Actually, it's for storing treats." Luz said in the pot.

The boy looked up and confused.

"Okay, Augustus. I'm gonna tell you something. But you have to be cool." Willow told him.

"I can be spool. I mean, cool." Augustus stammered.

"Okay. Abomination, rise." Willow said. Luz stood up and out of the pot.

"Ta-da! I'm an abomination." Luz said.

"Luz, that's not how abominations act." Willow said. Augustus dropped his magazine.

"No. No, it—it couldn't be." He stumbled and tripped over his own words. He played with his ears while staring at Luz's.

"He's the president of the Human Appreciation Society. Most witches wouldn't be able to recognize a human right away. But Augustus is an expert." Willow explained to Luz.

"Where are your gills?" Augustus asked Luz in amazement.

"I knew an Augustus back in the human world. We called him Gus." Luz said as she ignored his question.

"Gus? Nickname? Human nickname? Gus? Call me it. Wow. Gus. This is the best day of my life." Gus said happily and with excitement in his voice. Just then, a bell screamed. And I mean, it literally screamed.

"I've gotta get to spelling class. See you guys at lunch!" Gus said as he grabbed his magazine and a wand before running off.

"All right. Into the darkness you go." Willow said. Luz hisses as she sinks down.

Back at the Owl House

"Aw. Who's a good Prince, Jr.? Who's a good guy?" King cooed the trash slug as he was giving it dog treats. Scare was sitting in a lounge chair, wearing sunglasses and laying back.

"Hey, King. Care to explain what your gonna teach it doing that?" Scare asked him.

"It's called positive reinforcement, Scare. And it works wonders." King said.

"Sure. And Goofy is known for his expertise in mathematics." Scare said sarcastically. Prince Jr. eats the treat King was dangling in front of it and doubles in size.

"Ha ha! See? Now watch this. Prince, Jr.! Attack Scare! Knock him over! Eat his hat! Pull out his straw!" King said.

"Oh, no. Please stop. Someone help me. Help me." Scare said mockingly.

"Well, I haven't seen Eda's kid in forever. For all we know, he's not even loyal to Eda anymore." King said.

"Do you not know how kids and parents work? Also, Y/N hasn't been gone forever. He's been gone for at least half an hour. So has Eda." Scare asked King.

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