The intruder 2

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"First off, draw it out on paper." Y/N said.

"Draw it out on paper?" Luz asked.

"Yes." Y/N said.

"How do I do that?" Luz asked.

"Draw a circle." Y/N said to her as he shrugged his shoulders. Luz did just that.

"Now what?" She asked him. Y/N's eyes widened. He hadn't thought that far ahead.

"Umm...ok. Now you must draw a symbol." Y/N said. Luz looked at him puzzled, but decided to go with it.

"What symbol?" Luz asked.

"Well, when I comes to magic. You gotta let it guide you. You can't force it to happen." Y/M said to her.

"You gotta close your eyes. Then let the magic guild you." Y/N said to her. Luz did just that.

"Let the magic guide me." Luz said as she closed her eyes and drew on the paper. She opened them and saw that she drew what looked like a bird stick figure.

That's when the lamps flare and die. Luz glanced at Y/N.

"Relax. Hooty controls the house lights. He probably just fell asleep." Scare said as he was eating some almonds. They went to the kitchen to get some candles. That's when they all heard a crash.

"Hoot! Hoot!" Hooty cried out

"Hooty!" Luz cried out as the four looked at the door.

"Hoot, oh, hoot!" Hooty said again

The four reach the living room and gasp. A shadowy beast has knocked the door of its hinges and made a mess of the front wall. It leaves deep scratches in the wood next to Hooty, growls when it notices the other four, then flees. The four run up to Hooty.

"Hooty! Are you in there?" Luz taps his beak a few times and checks his eye.

"Whatever did this escaped into the rain. What could survive that?" Y/N said

"Oh, my gosh. The Snaggleback! It feeds during the rains. It must have stumbled across our house and seen us inside." King said in shock

Something howls. They go outside in time for the shadowy creature to jump through an upper floor window.

"Oh hell no!" Scare said as he picked up a fire poker for defense.

"This is terrifying. So why do you look so happy?" Luz said and looked at King.

"Because this could be a lesson. This would be a great way for you to see a wild demon up close and personal." King said.

"You want to go toward those creepy sounds? No way!" Luz said.

"I'm going to have to go with Luz. This spells certain death, all over." Y/N said

"What if Eda gets eaten? She's upstairs and defenseless because Luz knocked her out." King pointed out.

"He's got a point." Y/N said.

Luz groans. Luz pulls on rubber gloves. King tapes a pillow to his chest. Luz puts bandages under her eyes like eye black, then grins. Luz grabs a hockey stick, which King runs past in favor of grabbing Francois. Scare put a pot on his head. He put a metal utensil on his chest. He held his fire poker. Y/N had his which staff with him.

The four approaching the staircase, Luz using the flashlight on her phone to light the way. Floorboards creak as they go upstairs. They reach a hallway and stop as the door to Eda's room creaks open. They share a nervous look. Luz opens the doors all the way, revealing an empty room and a shattered window, through which we can again see a lightning strike.

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