Chapter 3: The Flight- Part 2

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Ginny throws a punch at me but I deflect it, kicking out at her. In a flash, my head slams into the locker and I slowly slide down the surface, stunned.

"Don't ever try to fight back. Ever." She says in a low, threatening, voice.

As my word turns a fuzzy black, I her her voice say, "You'll always, forever be weak."

Suddenly, I'm in the hallway of my old school.

"Is that Aeropostale?" I hear a familiar, snide voice taunt. Tris.

"Really, Shelly? And here I was thinking, you can't get any lamer than you are now, and here you come walking in wearing Aeropostale! I'm mean, of all things, Shelly. I'm surprised."

The crowd that had begun accumulating around us tittered.

"Areopostale's net worth drops every day. Not every year. Every. Fucking. Day." I flinch at her harsh words and she smirks. "The company is literally, hemorrhaging money, so says daddy." She gives me a I'm-so-much-better-than-you-in-every-way look and twitches off.

The crowd begins to follow me as I walked through the hallways and hear snippets of their conversation.

'She's so ugly'

'Why are her clothes so lame?'

'Is she poor?'

'What a nerd!'

I try to walk faster ; to get away from them.

'Her chest and ass are as flat as my math book'

'How can someone be that skinny ?'

'Maybe anorexic ?'

'She's so tall, its like she is like a skyscraper'

I was always made fun of because of my height so I tended to hunch my shoulders. I cover my ears and walk faster and faster until I was practically sprinting down the hallway.

The voices just kept getting louder and I groaned in frustration.

'Can't ever wear heels'

'Won't ever be pretty'

Their voices seemed to pound into my head, branding them on my soul, never to washed away.

'a twig'







I jolted out of my seat, screaming. I hear a muffled voice under me and several thoughts hit me at the same time.

1) It was JUST A DREAM. Phew.

2) I was on top of something

3) That something was a living, breathing, human!

I had Jordan's arm locked behind his back and was--

"Oh, my gosh!" I was straddling him, with one leg thrown over his left side and the right leg thrown over the other.

Nicki Minaj's voice floated through my head. Now I'm 'bout ta ride him like a pony

I immediately jumped up from him, scandalized.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to...attack you like that." I mumble, avoiding his gaze.

"S ok." He says, rubbing the back of his neck.

"I came over to wake you up and tell you that we were about half way there...and...I heard you talking in your sleep." He blushes slightly.

Shoot. I forgot I did that. Not the best quality in a spy.

"I didn't mean to eavesdrop. One minute you were muttering something about bae being too fine, and the next you were all like 'No, stop! Leave me alone. Oh God oh God oh God.' And then you, uh, you groaned. We're you okay?" He cocks an eyebrow at me.

I shrug and avoid his gaze, not wanting to tell him the truth.

He coughs a little. "Um...can you...ahem...tell me exactly what you were dreaming of ?"

"No...I can't tell you exactly..." I really didn't want to involve him in my own childish insecurities.

By this point his slight blush has turned into a full body reaction.

I pretend I was is in his shoes and my mind automatically jumps to R rated things.

I then realized the double meaning of what he could've heard.

Oh, gosh, he couldn't be thinking that...

I would never...

"Jordan, I wasn't dreaming about that." I say appalled by the thought.

"How can I be so sure, hmm?" He gives me a suspicious look. "As a matter of fact, if you weren't dreaming about that then why did you groan?"

"This is ridiculous! I'm not talking about this with you, in fact, this conversation NEVER HAPPENED!" I rush into the bathroom, slamming the door.


"Please put on your seatbelts and prepare for landing."

I stop in the middle of stuffing a overly large chocolate in my mouth. For the past half hour, I had been exploring the private "jet" which reminded me of a plane.

"Please put on your seatbelts and prepare for landing."

Was it just me or was her voice getting more insistent?

I look around the kitchen and suddenly a blot of fear goes through me. I was all the way in the back of the plane and the seats were all the way in front. I would never get there in time. I start to panic, then I remembered that I was a trained professional spy and could dig my way out of any problem.

Hmm...don't they keep seatbelts on the toilet, just in case someone's on a toilet during the landing? I run to the bathroom.

"Please put on your seatbelts and prepare for landing."

Yup, definitely more insistent.

I checked all all around the toilet bowl, and prodded at all the screws, hoping to God that it was clean. I twisted the second screw and heard a tiny click. Yes! I closed the toilet and sat down buckling up with the seatbelt I found there. I felt the jet slowly begin to descend. We bumped once or twice and then we were on the ground, rolling to a stop. Phew. I made it!

I walked back to the seats and got my stuff out of the overhead compartment. "Ready, Agent Micky?" Jordan says, all of the early awkwardness gone.

"Ready." I confirm.

I walk to the door purposefully, with my head held high ready to face anything. My bully Ginny, Ms.Popular Tris, and the evil student body.

Author's Note

What's up readers? I drew a picture of Michelle! It's in the photo section. I think I'm gonna do a recap next update, which may be or Friday or Saturday.

Did it seem like in the story I had a bit of a British accent? I've been reading a lot of British stories recently (Sophie Kinsella totally rocks!). Her books are not on wattpad they are in real life. Scary, I know. Lol just kidding.

P.s. Don't ever try to do what Michelle did. Ever. I honestly have know idea what would happen if you were on the toilet when a plane was landing. Seriously. Don't forget to vote/comment/fan if you liked :)

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