Chapter 22: The Ally pt.2

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"You're just a hideaway, you're just a feeling
 You let my heart escape beyond the meaning "

--Hideaway, Kiesza

Chapter 22: The Ally pt.2- The Meatloaf Dream

I was in a dark, cold room. My nerves were frazzled and shot, my thoughts hysterical. Two words kept reverberating through me, going faster and faster before coming together to join my ticking pulse.

It's coming...It's coming... It's coming

I heard the footsteps pounding toward me felt it's oniony breath on my face. It had come to eat me. The meatloaf.

"Ah! Don't eat me!" I screamed, waking up with a start. I pushed a chunk of hair out my face as sweat poured off my brow. I scanned the moonlight room. Everything was normal... except for the dark figure I could barely make out coming towards me. I staggered out of bed waiting for my badass fighter skills adrenaline to kick in. It never came.

"I'm sorry I have to do this; I actually liked you." The voice was slightly familiar but my sense of hearing alone couldn't tell me who the disembodied voice belonged to. "I'm sorry I have to do this, but you were getting too close to the truth."

Strong hands wrapped around my wrists and I gave a weak kick. I was so tired it barely reached the person's ankle.

I felt his hot breathe on my neck as he laughed. "You think you can take me?"

I didn't tell him what I was thinking; yes, yes I really did.

If only I had the strength. "How did you get in here?"

"You're pretty smart Michelle; I think you can figure that one out."

The window. The window I had foolishly cracked open and left open. He began to tie my wrists together with a cable cord. Oddly I didn't even really feel even slightly alarmed. Just calm but mildly interested. Like I was an outsider watching this happen to someone  who just happened to look like me.

"Do you know you talk in your sleep?"

"Yes." I frowned and gave another feeble tug at my imprisoned hands. Not a budge.

Now there was only one question. Was he the bomber, or the assassin? And how did he plan on getting me out of here? Back out the window? I had to smother a giggle. That would be an odd sight.

"What's so funny, eh?" I felt the unsub's hot breathe at my ear and shuddered.

"Oh, I was just wondering how you were gonna get me out of here,"I stifled another giggle. Gosh I must be far, far, gone if I could giggle while being abducted.

He stopped what he was doing and emitted a soft curse.

"And either way, I sorry that you did do this, because now I have to beat your ass."

His mouth formed a small "o" and, gathering all my strength I brought my fists up into a vertical uppercut that left him staggering.

And then we were fighting. He charged at me like a raging bull and I, like a bull fighter jumped out the way just before he reached me. He came back at me but didn't try to tackle me instead, as I threw the best punches I could, considering my depleted energy, and he blocked them with ease. When he finally spread his legs for balance and threw a punch, I ducked down and shot between his legs popping up behind him kicking his legs out from the back.

He fell with a vibrating BOOM, grabbing me and taking me with him. Ouch.

Somehow he maneuvered himself so I was at the bottom.

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