Chapter 20: The Enemy

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"As a spy, there are times where you have to lie. The important thing, though, is always telling yourself the truth"

--DRGQ, Spy: Rules to live by

Chapter 20: The Enemy

I hit the alarm clock on my desk before it even rang, zipping up my thigh high boots. This was my first solitary covert operation and I wasn't going to screw it up. I'd "borrowed some gear form Jordan. Something about Chase got under my skin. It wasn't his playboy smile, conniving antics, or irritating arrogance. It was the fact that he, it always seemed, in the wrong place at the wrong time. He did the oddest things for one in his position. A bad boy concerned for a nerd? Get real. Of course I could also be dead wrong, and thing could be some sort of red herring placed to set me off trail. That was why I was going alone. Something was up and I intended to pull it down where I could see it.

I pulled on my black latex gloves and went downstairs. My natural light gait aided me as I traipsed through my living room and back yard foliage. I jumped over the gate, wincing as my knees protested against my rough usage. I hadn't done a jump like that in a while. I cut through people's back yards and jumped over one last gate before coming to a halt. I was in Old Man Marley's yard. He had a large Doberman that I wanted to stay on the good side of. I crept past his slumbering form and was climbing over the gate when I heard a low growl. I didn't stop, but rolled down into the other yard and sprung up again. I had reached my destination. Samantha's house. I threw my grappling hook at the window's edge and then did a flip against the wall. I then clicked my heels, turning on the gecko feature of my boots. Okay here we go. I began climbing the wall, tugging on the rope as I went. When I got to the top I pried open her window and tumbled lithely on to the floor. I was in. Samantha slumbered on her bed snoring loudly, curls spilling around her shoulders and face—some even in her mouth. I stepped to her nightstand and pulled open her first drawer; her keys were right were they usually were. I pocketed them and was walking out when I heard an odd choking sound. I whirled around and ran to her. She was choking on her hair! I slowly pulled it out of her and quickly rolled her on her side as she threw up on the floor. She blinked up blearily at me and wiped her mouth with a Kleenex, "What are you doing here?" You're welcome for saving your life! No need to thank me.

"Well, you said I could go for a ride anytime." I shrugged. She groaned and got up to brush her teeth.

I climbed back out and opened her garage door. I pulled on her biker helmet and revved up her motorcycle. Backing out the drive way I zoomed on the road, sticking to back roads and alleys. I stopped at a light and attached my holographic GPS to her dash cutting a few wires and securing them with aluminum foil and pliers from my pack. I pressed the button and it turned on. I then connected the GPS to my helmet so I could see it in my visor. "Siri, can you hear me?" I tested the mouthpiece I had attached to it.

"Michelle, you have two new voicemails, shall I open them?"


I revved the motor cycle down the alley. "Siri, sync the travel data from limo 223 from June 1st."I read the particulars," Take me to destination five." I entered the freeway and drove the five miles to his house. I parked a block away in the driveway of an inconspicuous house. I glanced around her yard confirming that It was an old ladies home. A branch snapped behind me as I pulled off my helmet and I whirled around, pulling my extending Bo staff from my backpack. It doubled as a tazer. The bushes in front of me rustled and more branches snapped. I tensed myself as the rusting got louder. A kitten jumped out and stretched, yawning lightly. My heart melted as another came out chasing a firefly. It pounced lightly on it and opened its paws, eyes wide as the firefly flew away. Yet another tabby came out. This one was large and fluffy. It came to me and rubbed against my legs. I rubbed it behind its ears and It purred. "You look just a ball of cotton. That's what I'll call you: Cotton." It purred louder against my legs. A meow sounded in the distance and all the kitten's ears picked up. On by one they meowed back, going towards their mother's call. Cotton looked at me with wide green eyes. "Go on now, to your mother." It turned and took a few steps then turned back and jumped into my crossed legs, rubbing against my face. With one last look, it followed its siblings away.

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