Chapter 14: The Fury

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Extended Author's Note at the end but for now...the update

Spy Girl

Chapter 14

There's a moment in one life when everything thing falls into place and at that exact moment you realize your place in the world. And then there were times when something startles you so badly that you can't help but asking to hear it again just to make sure you got it right. This was one of those moments.

"Wh-what?" I asked for the second time.
Jordan slumped in my arms, eyes rolling back.
"Jordan?!" I vigorously shook his shoulders then sighed. He was out cold. And heavy as rock. Jeez he didn't look this heavy.

Melvin arrived shortly and he me helped get Jordan into the sleek black charger, not asking me any questions.

"Did you accomplish anything?" Melvin asked as soon we got into the car.
Restraining an eye roll I answered meekly.
"Well I found out some pretty weird stuff about Chase."
Well for one his jerkiness new no bounds. What human being can be that rude? Like it could be super power. I realized Melvin was patiently waiting for my answer so turn off the tap of my inner babbling.

" He had an encrypted diary."

"Do you think he's the culprit?"Melvin asked, looking. At me through the rear view mirror.
"I'm not sure I need more info. We have to be absolutely sure before we cart off a soul to the SSOST."
He looked me up and down through the rear view mirror. "I have an idea."

Melvin sat at my dining room table and as usually looking out of place. His face was a mask of understanding yet utter determination. I was kind of unnerved to see Melvin displaying so much emotion.
Jordan was standing up chair knocked over and his face a mask of coldness. With hands tightly fisted and a chest swelling with each deep breathe he took he looked, quite frankly, pissed off.
So how did we get into this compromising situation?
Well let me enlighten you.

Three hours earlier...

"Could you help me get him inside, Melvin?"

He smiled faintly, "I can do even better." He disappeared in the car, and for a second I thought he was going to drive away.

Melvin emerged carrying a huge bucket. He walked leisurely over to where I was half dragging Jordan, thought for a minute, and then dumped the contents of the bucket over him. I leap back in shock letting go as Jordan and I simultaneously screamed, "What the heck!" and glared at Melvin.

Whistling a merry tune Melvin put the bucket back and  began up the path to my house as Jordan and I stared at him in shock.

"Never thought I'd take the ice bucket challenge unconscious," said Jordan, disgruntled, as I brushed the ice of his shoulders and back. He stiffens at my touch, grabbing my hand. His green eyes are endless and draw me in. Just when I think he's gonna kiss me he pulls back.

"Come on, you gotta help me sneak in the house." He bounds toward his house.

I stood there like a soldier at attention, not believing that he didn't kiss me. Did I read his expression wrong? Did I mix his signals? Was this more of that delayed gratification shiatsu? Don't dwell on it now Michelle . Act now reflect later. I shake the thoughts out my head and run after Jordan.

We peer into the back windows of his house like stalkers. "My mom would kill me if she saw me like this. I nodded in agreement. His mom may seem docile at first meet but when you got to know her she would show you her true mamma bear tendencies.

"If were gonna do that then we can't be seen right?" My mischievous tone drew his gaze to mine.

As his curious green eyes met my blue ones and spark fizzled and flared. The half smile he was sporting told me that he was on board with my meaning. Deploying spy persona. My inner badass came out to play slightly cranky from being put away for so long.

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