| Chapter 1

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"Thanks to the war going on and all the people injured many civilians are stuck squeezing themselves into the hospitals

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"Thanks to the war going on and all the people injured many civilians are stuck squeezing themselves into the hospitals. Among them is the pro hero Hawks. After being severely injured he has been rushed to the hospital however is currently unconscious and not responding. Next on the news-"

The girl turned off the tv and look down to the bed next to her. Is that really him? She found it best not to pry into other people's personal lives. She opens her journal and starts sketching the funny fellow next to her. In the news he had bright crimson wings on show but considering all the bandages wrapped tight around him she found it hard to believe he was hiding wings somewhere. I guess we aren't the same.

· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·

The pro hero hazily opens his eyes and looks around.  Where am I?

"♪two birds on a wire. ♪
♪One tries to fly away and the other,♪
♪watches him close from that wire.♪
♪she says she wants to as well ♪
♪but  she is a liar♪"

Hawks listens to the soft voice, completely hypnotised by the song. He looks over to see a girl around his age sitting on a hospital bed looking out the window. Her hair flowing behind her in the breeze. She turns over to look at him with glistening eyes. She looked surprised but the shock on her face was soon replaced with a warm smile. "Oh you're awake."

He voice was soft and kind. Hearing her speak alone made Hawks feel serene. "Yeah. Y-you have a nice voice."

"Oh you heard me humming." Hawks nods, not sure of what to say. "My name is (Y/n) by the way. Nice to meet you. Not that it's nice to see you in the hospital." He chuckles and smiles brightly back at the girl. Hawks didn't think to ask the girl why she was in the hospital. He just assumed that she got injured from the war going on against the heroes and villains. However you should not make assumptions unless you know the whole story, he'd have been better off if he just asked (Y/n) directly. After all, what you assume isn't always the truth.

"I'm Hawks by the way. Although you may have known that already." She sends another warm smile his way which makes his heart skip a beat. He couldn't help but wonder how someone could be so happy stuck inside a hospital. "Yeah I had a hunch but it's kinda hard to tell without the wings." Hawks hadn't realised his wings haven't grown back yet which isn't good for him as it makes him practically useless in hero work. Meaning he will be out of commission for a while.

(Y/n) abruptly gets up from her bed and starts to walk away. This was the first chance he got to get a clear view of her. She was short and skinny but in a frail and sickly kind of way. Although She had enough muscle to hold herself up. "Where are you going?"

"Out. I'll  notify the nurses that you're awake." She walks out of the room only to pop her head back round the corner with a cheeky smile. "Back in a bit!" Something about her smile made Hawks feel like he was flying even though he was stuck in a hospital bed.

· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·

It didn't take long for nurses to walk into the room and do a quick check up and get him off all ventilators allowing him to walk around a bit. He was instructed to take it easy but he couldn't help but look around the hospital, or more specifically look  for (Y/n). He didn't fully know his way around the place but he somehow managed. Hours of searching later he came up to the roof as a last resort. He doubted that she would actually be there but there was no harm in trying and this is the last place he could think of.

He cracked open the door before swinging it wide open, happy to see a figure leaning against the railing looking out to the city below. "Found you!" In shock (Y/n) quickly turns around only to see Hawks standing behind her. "Goddammit you scared me!" Hawks thought she was trying to sound angry but that anger was soon masked by her soft chuckles. "I'm surprised to see you up on your feet so quickly."

"Us birds like to move quickly." He said proudly as he stood tall and tried to fluff up his feathers to show them off but soon remembered they where gone. "We certainly do."  Hawks was confused on why (Y/n) included herself, it's not like she has wings. "What are you doing up her anyway?"

"Oh just getting fresh air. I was sketching earlier but most of the birds are gone now." The word drawing peaked Hawks' attention. He wasn't keen on drawing but seeing (Y/n)'s art  seemed to be the biggest privilege in the world to him. "Can I see?" She looked hesitant and almost scared. "It's my secret journal. Nobody can see inside it. I write stuff in there too. People I meet, things I see, funny stories. But nobody opens it but me. Sorry."

She walks past Hawks and heads to the door. "We should get back quickly. We aren't actually supposed to be here so this is our little secret." She comes back and grabs his hand making Hawks go bright red in his face and ears. (Y/n) runs happily downstairs but runs into a couple of nurses along the way so she pull him around the corner and covers his mouth. "Shhh." The two stay quiet until the nurses pass and we quickly get back to the room. Hawks shuts the door and (Y/n) slumps on her bed laughing. "That was fun!" Hawks said happily.

He always followed orders and never sensed the frill of breaking them mostly because his father would hurt him if he did so. Not following orders without facing consequences was incredibly fun to him. "If you thought that was fun then you'll love helping me steal extra pots of chocolate moose from the canteen."

Hawks looks at (Y/n) happily and stares deeply into her soft glistening eyes. She sits up stares back with a warm smile. "Your eyes." Hawks then looked at her confused. "What?"

"Your eyes. They're a pretty bright yellow like the sun," She looked hypnotised by the glimmer in his eyes but soon snapped out of it, "but then again you're not supposed to look at the sun. It's bad for your eyes and stuff." Hawks took the opportunity to slide in a pickup line. "Well then I'll be your sun. You can look in my eyes as long as you want." (Y/n) smiles, unamused and slumps back into her bed. "Real smooth Mr. Pro hero. Real smooth."

The two spend the afternoon getting to know each other and laughing a lot in the process but the rest of the day was cut short due to it being quite late and hospitals give patients curfews but one thing was for sure. The next few months were going to be almost too much fun.

 The next few months were going to be almost too much fun

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