| Chapter 4

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The two sat happily on Hawks' hospital bed, him excitedly opening the KFC bucket while (Y/n) waited patiently

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The two sat happily on Hawks' hospital bed, him excitedly opening the KFC bucket while (Y/n) waited patiently. They were in a lot of trouble for stealing the wheelchairs and ordering food but they quickly abandoned the chairs and sprinted to their room somehow avoiding any nurses. The doctors probably had better things to do than chase them but rest assured they'd be scolded during their next rehab session. However that was not a problem for now as they were too busy enjoying their food.

· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·

(Y/n) goes to turn on the tv and look around for something good to watch. "What kind of movies do you like?" She looks at him who's completely focused on the food in his hands. "Uhh I dunno. Just pick something random." She closes her eyes and clicks on a random movie.

"Hey catch." Hawks tosses a popcorn chicken at (Y/n) who catches it in her mouth. She fist pumps the air as she chews the chicken in her mouth. Then she snatches the box of chicken and prepares to toss one to Hawks. He opens his mouth wide but the chicken misses and hits his nose but he catches it with his hand and puts it in his mouth. "That's not how it works bird brain."

"No chicken shall go to waste!" (Y/n) laughs at him but then tosses another chicken to him which successfully lands in his mouth.

The pair happily watch the movie and tuck into their food and watching the movie. The chicken disappeared quite quickly thanks to Hawks and they were left watching the film. It was kind of late and (Y/n) was tired from the events from that day so she laid tucked into Hawks chest. "What are you-"

"Quiet, I got a heart condition here, I'm tired." That was enough to shut him up and relax, watching the movie with her. He leaned back against the bed while she nuzzled into his chest as he pulled her close, gently rubbing her with the arm he had wrapped around (Y/n).

She smiles softly as she closes her heavy eyes to sleep to the sound of the movie in the background and the sound of Hawks heartbeat.

· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·

Hawks wakes up to (Y/n) still nuzzled into his side. He heart flutters and he couldn't do anything but smile at her. Unfortunately for him he had a rehab session really soon and had to get up. He carefully moved from underneath her to stand up and then tucked her underneath the covers. For a moment he considered giving her a kiss goodnight but that would be far too forward. It would be too weird. He thought. We're not even dating. I shouldn't kiss her. Wait but I cuddled her. Friends cuddle right? Hawks forced himself out of his head and went off to his session with the doctor.

· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·

The doctor did a basic check up of Hawks, making sure that he is healthy. Then the doctor moved onto checking his wings which were starting to grow back. They were tiny and would be no help with flying but Hawks beamed with joy knowing he will live to fly another day. Eventually.

Finally the doctor refreshed his bandages as he was still quite injured but doing a lot better than before. Hawks fidgeted the whole time as he was far too excited and really wanted to show (Y/n) his wings. His check up took far too long but eventually the doctor let him go and he sprinted off to show her the few tiny feathers growing out of his back.

As soon as he was allowed to leave he sprinted to his hospital room to see her. He burst through the door gleaming with pride and excitement that was immediately snatched away from him.

His jaw drops as he stares at (Y/n) laying unconscious in her bed. She was hooked up to strange machines and wires with tubes stuck up her nose giving her nutrients and medication. There was a nurse by her side checking all her vitals who Hawks decided to pester.

"HEY WHAT HAPPENED?! WHY IS SHE LIKE THIS?! WAKE HER UP! WAKE HER UP!" His emotions were all over the places. Sadness, anger, distress, all these emotions took over Hawks and he couldn't bare it.

His mind raced to find a reason why she was laying there practically dead and he came to believe that it was fake. He wanted to believe it was fake even though he knew he was lying to himself.

People say the truth hurts. In that case it must mean that lies are kind and this lie was particularly nicer to Hawks than the truth was. The truth was that (Y/n) was dying. "(Y/N) STOP IT!" He screams at the top of his lungs. "Sir you need to calm down." The nurse said trying to calm him down but her efforts were a failure.

"(Y/N) WAKE UP! WAKE UP NOW!" At this point he was practically pleading. Nurses came rushing in practically dragging him out of the room. Hawks felt totally powerless and useless as he watched you move out of his line of sight the door of (Y/n)'s hospital room closing in front of him.

It was like the world was falling apart around him. What's going on? Why do I feel like this? Thousands of people die everyday and everyone goes on like nothing happened but one person falls ill and the world ends? Hawks couldn't wrap his head around the situation. It was like the world was ending. Even though it isn't. But (Y/n)'s world might. Will (Y/n) be okay? 

 Will (Y/n) be okay? 

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