| Chapter 3

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Hawks sank into his bed, thinking of nothing but where (Y/n) could have disappeared to

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Hawks sank into his bed, thinking of nothing but where (Y/n) could have disappeared to. He was about to get into a panic but she burst through the door with a huge gift hamper in arms. "Oh u-um who's the lucky guy?" Something inside Hawks made his heart sink knowing that there may be some guy treating (Y/n) like her boyfriend. "There's no guy. It's from my parents. They work out of the country so whenever I'm due to have surgery soon they send little gifts before coming to visit me on the day."

"S-surgery?" Both (Y/n)'s and Hawks' mouths were agape. (Y/n) because she accidentally let it slip and Hawks because he wanted nothing more but to not see his friend get hurt. "(Y/n) you never told me why you are in the hospital."

(Y/n) walks past him and takes a seat on her bed, her gift basket next to her. "It's just a little heart problem. I get my surgery and then be all better okay," she says as she starts rummaging around inside her parent's gift, "Ooh facemasks. Let's use 'em."


"Have you never used a facemask?" Hawks stares at her and shakes his head. (Y/n) happily laughs before picking two facemasks from her basket and going over to take a seat on Hawks' bed. "What do you prefer, kiwi or green tea?"

"They're both green. Just give me the one your not using." (Y/n) places the kiwi mask in his hand and then goes to get a headband to hold his hair out if his face. She released a chuckle as she put the headband on his head. "What?!"

"Nothing." It wasn't really nothing. (Y/n) just thought that Hawks looked like Coach Ukai from Haikyuu but she wouldn't tell him that. Instead she opens the facemask and starts to put it on his face. "Aaah!" Hawks jumps backwards, surprising (Y/n). "What happened?"

"It's cold."

"Yeah. That's how they are. Now stop fidgeting or I'll get it in your pretty eyes." (Y/n)'s face goes red realising what had just slipped out of her mouth. She did comment on his eyes before but not as bluntly as this. To try to cover up her comment she quickly goes back to putting the gel mask on his face. "(Y/n), can I ask you a question?" As Hawks talked she continued to put on his mask. "Yeah, go ahead."

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