| Chapter 7

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I realised that I have absolutely no idea what I'm talking about when it comes to medical terms. I should have put a disclaimer in the first chapter but NOTHING IN THIS STORY IS ACTUALLY REALISTIC OR SIMILAR TO EXPERIENCING A HEART DISEASE IN REAL LIFE AND ALL DIAGNOSISE AND TREATMENTS AREN'T REALISTIC OR TRUE!!!
I'm just trying to write a fanfic that myself and others enjoy but I hope you like it. 


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At this point in time everything in Hawk's life was going totally perfect

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At this point in time everything in Hawk's life was going totally perfect. His wings were slowly coming back stronger than ever. The weren't back to full size yet but were large enough to somewhat work as they normally do. Apart from his wings he also had his new girlfriend, (Y/n), who made him extremely happy. It didn't take the nurses too long to figure out that they were an item and while some where happy, others where disappointed as they had lost their bets.

"Whoo pay up people!!" Nurse Akari shouted out. She was closest to (Y/n) and had a hunch that the two would end up together. Most of the other nurses assumed that the pair wouldn't get together meaning they had to pay 1,500¥ (a bit over £10/$15) to anyone who voted for them to get together.

· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·

Hawks hazily opened his eyes from his long sleep with (Y/n) in his arms. He subconsciously wrapped his wings around her in his sleep as if he was trying to protect her from harm. He squeezed her a bit tighter and smiled softly as he watched (Y/n) peacefully slept.

She soon woke up and smiled brightly at Hawks who gives her a quick kiss in her head. "Good morning." He says happily to her. "Good morning." She replied sleepily. She hazily tries to get up but he pulls her back to her and wraps her in his wings once more. "No," he grumbled, "don't go yet. Give me 5 more minutes."

It would be an understatement to say Hawks was touch starved so he lavished every moment he had the chance to feel (Y/n)'s warmth. "Fine but I'll have to go to my checkup soon and you better not make me late." He nods agreeing to her terms and she chuckles at his cuteness.

The two held each other tight, undisturbed until Nurse Akari happily strolled inside happily holding wads of cash. "You guys made me very rich, you know." She said happily.

(Y/n) sits up, soon followed by Hawks who wraps his arms around her waist and nuzzled his head into the crook of her neck. "What do you mean?" She ask the nurse. "We all placed bets on whether you two would end up together or not. I was one of the few who voted for you hence why I'm carrying all this money."

"You guys did that!!"

"Yeah. Oh congrats on getting together and everything but we gotta go for your checkup (Y/n)." (Y/n) gets up to go but turns to Hawks and gives him a kiss. "I'll be back soon." She tells him and he nods. "Bye baby bird." She and nurse Akari walk out of the room leaving Hawks alone.

· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·

As Hawks waited for (Y/n)'s return his phone went off. He opened the message to see it was from the hero commission. Since he was appointed to the hospital they hadn't bothered to try and contact him until now so he wondered what they wanted.

| call us

It was all they wrote. It seemed like they didn't want to make any conversation and just wanted to get straight down to business. Hawks rang the hero commission who instantaneously answered. "The doctors told us you're near full recovery," Hawks tried to talk but was immediately cut off, "come back out onto the field. We need you, asap."

"I hope you don't mean I have to go out right now!" He tried to reply jokingly but came out half hearted as he felt he may actually be forced to work right at this minuet. "No Hawks not literally right now," the person over the phone said frustrated, "you start your normal hours after your last check up which is in around a month." With that the commission hung up leaving Hawks alone with his thoughts.

He stood up as if he was going to go do something but then flops down onto the floor. Exhaustion, tiredness and frustration hit him in one fowl swoop and he felt totally unmotivated to do anything but lay on the floor, contemplating his life.

He heard small footsteps patter towards him and mumbles as (Y/n) kneels down by his head and gently lays a kiss on his head. "I don't think I was gone for that long. What happened?"

Hawks couldn't do anything but grunt, telling her that he didn't want to talk about it at the time. (Y/n) gently lifts his head and places it on her lap. She rubs the hair out of his face before gently massaging his head and running her fingers through his soft, shiny hair. "Thanks baby bird." He said softly.

The two sat in comfortable silence as (Y/n) rubbed his head and Hawks laid down peacefully thinking of nothing but how incredible his girlfriend is...

and how he's gonna dread not seeing her all the time.

Hawk's s soft smile got wiped off of his face and he sat up and turned to face (Y/n). He pouts and holds out his hands like a little kid, beckoning her to hug him. She climbs on top of his lap, wrapping her legs around his waist and arms around his neck. Hawks buries his head into the crook of her neck, basking in her warmth and scent. At times he wishes it could stay like this forever but he has a job to do and he can't do it while holding (Y/n) in his arms.

"I'm going back to work next month." He blurted out. Keeping a secret from her seemed almost impossible. "That's great-"

"No it isn't. I'll see you less." (Y/n) saw how torn apart he was and it upset her. She always assumed that Hawks always loved his job but maybe not everything is as it seems.

"It's okay. I'll see you before and after work. And you tell me how your day went and about the people you save. While you're away I'll focus on getting better. It'll all be fine. Besides we have a month." (Y/n) tried her hardest to cheer him up but it was clear that he was still a bit down. "You wanna get KFC?"

Hawks squeezed (Y/n) tight and talked in a small, quiet but very distinct voice.

"Yes please."


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