| Chapter 6

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(Y/n) had slowly improved in heath and soon got to get of the machines keeping her alive

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(Y/n) had slowly improved in heath and soon got to get of the machines keeping her alive. She was still bedridden for the time being but it wasn't so bad as she had Hawks constantly by her side keeping her company. "You never told me how your check-up went." She said trying to make conversation. She had noticed Hawks hadn't really been the same when she woke up. He seemed a bit sad. "Oh it was fine nothing out of the ordinary. OH WAIT YES THERE WAS!"

"What happened?" Hawks jumped up and turned around, his back facing (Y/n). He lifts up his shirt to reveal two small wings sprouting out of his back. (Y/n) was immediately hypnotized by the crimson wings on his back. " They're so pretty." Her hand moves to touch the base of his wings where the feathers meet the skin. As she touched it Hawks releases a loud moan.

(Y/n) immediately retracts her hand and slaps it over her mouth. Hawks turns to face her with bright red cheeks. "I u-uh I-I..." He was so embarrassed he couldn't say anything. "I-Is that like, a um place that makes you um feel... good?" She tried her hardest not to laugh but it was quite funny.

Hawks hangs his head in shame and glumly nods. (Y/n) snaps and burst out laughing, falling backwards onto her bed. Hawks grumbles and sits down next to her. "No need to laugh about it." He pouts.

"I'm sorry. I just didn't know your wings also works as a clit!" She said crying out laughing. "It's not a clit!! It's not like I get horny or anything!"

"Oh yeah that moan clearly didn't indicate that you're horny." She replied sarcastically. Hawks felt embarrassed and slumps down onto the her bed, shuffling closer to (Y/n). He wanted nothing more than to continue laughing and having a great time with her forever but there was something stuck on his mind.

"Hey (Y/n)... I'm sorry." She stares at him as he hung his head low. "For what?"

"You almost died because of me. It's my fault." (Y/n) stared at Hawks and felt her heart get destroyed from how broken he looked. She snaked her arms around his waist and buried her head into his chest. "It's not your fault Hawks. Please don't blame yourself."

"But I forced you to tire yourself out!" Hawks said, almost chocking on his words. "Don't you get it? You stopped breathing, you almost died. All because I made you." He looked so disappointed in himself and it shattered (Y/n). She took his chin in her hand and turn his face so she could look into his warm, yellow eyes.

"Don't do that to yourself. It's not your fault. Neither of us can do anything about me having a heart disease and you can't blame yourself for wanting to have fun. My surgery is soon. After that I'll be fine and we can do all the stupid stuff we want." She held his face in her hand and caressed his cheek with thumb while giving a the same warm smile she always had on her face that gave Hawks butterflies in his stomach. "It'll all be okay I promise. You just focus on getting better so you can go out and do your job, Mr Pro Hero."

Hawks wasn't even thinking about work. He was far too focused on how attractive (Y/n) looked. He was hypnotised by her glistening (e/c) eyes and soft lips. (Y/n) moved her hand of his face but he still longed for her touch so he moved his hand and gently lifted her chin up to him. He leans closer, lips lingering next to each other, his breaths brushing her cheek.

What he was about to do was probably wrong and lead to many complications but he long and desired her. Temptation broke him and he softly laid his lips on hers. At first he kissed her softly but the longer they kissed the more passion he felt and he went deeper into the kiss savouring every last bit of her taste.

He could have lavished in the moment forever but he had to pull away so the two could breathe. "W-why did you do that?" (Y/n) asked him. She wasn't mad or at least she sounded more confused than anything. "Because I like you."

"Why would you like me? I'm just some random girl stuck in a hospital. You're a pro hero. You liking me is completely irrational and untrue." Hawks looks deep into her eyes, showing (Y/n) that she was totally serious. "But you're fun and kind and pretty. I like spending time with you so I want you to be my girlfriend. Personally I don't think that sounds irrational and it is completely true."

He leans in and lays a kiss on her forehead before dropping his voice into a seductive tone. "So what do you say, Baby bird. Be mine?"

"Baby bird? That's new."

He chuckles. "Not really. I thought of it back when you took me flying. It's okay, right?"

"I'm yours, aren't I?" He pulls her into a cuddle and all the pair could do is smile brightly. It was probably the happiest either had felt their whole lives.

Happy valentines day everyone!!! I don't know about you but I'm spending my day with my one and only love, FOOD

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Happy valentines day everyone!!! I don't know about you but I'm spending my day with my one and only love, FOOD. Decided that for the occasion I would move the storyline along a bit and finally get these lovebirds together. Had to give a bit of angst but I hope you enjoyed. Next chapter is in 3 days max ( ^ω^ )


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