| Chapter 10

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Hawks stood their pacing up and down the halls

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Hawks stood their pacing up and down the halls. At that moment 2 adults, 1 woman and 1 man, rush into the room and head straight towards the receptionist at the front desk.

"Hello. We're here for (Y/n). (Y/n) (L/n). She's our daughter. Is she here or already gone?" The woman said in a panic. The nurse started typing on the computer but then quickly gave a response. "Sorry but she's already in surgery." The parents looked disappointed so Hawks went over to attempt to ease their nerves. "You two must be (Y/n)'s parents. I'm-"

"Hawks!" The two adults exclaimed, interrupting him. "(Y/n) talks a lot about you over the phone." Her mum said making Hawks blush. The three sat down and start to make small talk, trying to take their mind off of the surgery going on.

Despite that (Y/n)'s parents and Hawk's minds were constantly thinking about her. God I wish it would be over already. Hawks thought. He closed his eyes and buried his head in his hands.

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He sighed frustratedly taking a moment to put his head on straight until he felt a hand on his shoulder. He lifted his head and saw (Y/n)'s father next to him. "She's out of surgery. Don't you want to come see her?" He said to him smiling softly but Hawks stared back confused.

"What?! I thought the surgery was 4 hours."

"Yeah. It's been 4 hours Hawks."

Hawks stared at him confused. He swore that he had just seen (Y/n) go into surgery at least a half hour ago. It couldn't be possible that he fell asleep, he was way too worried about her to take even a second of rest.

He got up to see his girlfriend but his mind was all over the place. He ignored it the first time when he went to work but know he knows something is seriously wrong. He walked through the door and his heart stopped seeing an unconscious (Y/n) laying on her hospital bed. Hawks rushed to her side and held her hand. He didn't know what was going on with his head but he'll set all his problems aside for her.

Waiting for (Y/n) to wake up was practically torture. He closed his eyes almost falling asleep when he heard a soft voice.

"♪Two birds on a wire♪
♪one tries to fly away and the other♪
♪watches him close from that wire♪
♪she says she wants to as well but she is a liar♪"

Hawks felt (Y/n)'s soft hand hold his face and he leaned right into it, a smile plastered over his face. "Didn't I tell you everything will be okay, Baby bird?" He said to her who just nodded in reply. Her parents soon rushed over to greet her for the first time in a while.

"(Y/n)! I'm so glad your okay." Her mum said rushing into her arms and was soon followed by her dad. They talked and laughed making Hawks feel slightly out of place. He never felt this kind of love from his parents and it hurt a bit watching his girlfriend be cared for by them.

Hawks almost felt like leaving until (Y/n) spoke up. "Do you mind giving me and Hawks a moment please?" She asked her parents. They nod and soon walk out if the room, leaving the couple alone. "Hey baby bird what's going o-"

"You're dreaming aren't you?" She stares at him with a straight face but a hint of sadness in her eyes. "What?"

"The time skips. You really think you're the only one who noticed?"

Hawks had to blink a few times, trying to get his head around everything. As he blinked he didn't notice the small but clear changes that happened in the room. Things were disappearing, objects appearing. It was like reality had shifted in a literal blink of an eye.

Hawks was totally freaking out. "Hey, calm down." (Y/n) said to him seeing he was in distress. "How can I be calm," he cried out, "what's happening?!"

"Hawks your dreaming. None of this is real." She told him but Hawks didn't believe it for a second. "No. No! You're-"

"Not real. I'm not real Keigo." Hawk's heart stopped hearing his name come out of her lips. His eyes went wide and his mouth agape. "How do you know my name?" Hawks asked but feared the answer. "Because I'm in your head."

Tears started to threaten his eyes so he rapidly blinked again, causing even more of his world to disappear. Before he knew it, all that was left was him and (Y/n) standing in infinite emptiness.

"It's time for you to wake up," She told him but he shook his head, "you need to blink again. Once you do I'll be gone and you'll wake up."


"Keigo I need to go."

"Why!?" He shouted with tears now streaming down his face. "Because I'm not real!" She shouted back. "Don't make this any harder than it already is, Keigo." She walked up to him, bare footed and still wearing her ugly hospital gown.

"I'll- I'll just not blink. Then you stay, right?" He wanted (Y/n) to stay. He didn't want to lose her but in his heart he knew that it wasn't an option for him. "That's impossible. You're crying, you'll blink soon."

She walked up to him and held his face in her soft hands. "It's okay. You won't even remember me or any of this." (Y/n) leans in close. "I love you."  She said before softly blowing into his eyes, making him blink.

"I love you..." Hawks opens his eyes and finds himself in the passenger seat of a car.


This was originally super depressing so i hope this watered down version didn't make you cry too much

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This was originally super depressing so i hope this watered down version didn't make you cry too much. I think I have only 1 chapter left which us sad because I've enjoyed writing this. I'll post the final chapter in a couple days ♡♡♡


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