| Chapter 8

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"♪I'll believe it all♪♪there's nothing I won't understand♪♪I'll believe it all♪♪I won't let go of your hand♪"

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"♪I'll believe it all♪
♪there's nothing I won't understand♪
♪I'll believe it all♪
♪I won't let go of your hand♪"

(Y/n) quietly hummed the same song she always sang while Hawks listened intently, enjoying the sound of his girlfriend's soft voice. Unfortunately for the couple a month passed way quicker than they thought and their 1 month anniversary came up. With that would be Hawk's first day back at work.

· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·

Hawks snuck up behind (Y/n) as she sat on the edge of her bed. He started to move her hair to the side and she started to question what he was doing. "Hey what-"

"Shh." Hawks said in reply. (Y/n) stopped asking questions and helped move her hair out of the way, showing her neck bare. She felt something fall around her neck. She looked down at her chest to see a necklace with a ruby red feather on the chain. Hawks linked it at the back while he softly talked. "Happy 1 month anniversary, baby bird."

She turned to face him with a warm smile which made his heart flutter. (Y/n) pulled him into a hug and held him tight before pulling away. "It's so I can always be there even if I'm away," he said as the feather floated up to her and tickled her cheek, "Do you like it?" Hawks asked her. "I love it. Thank you."

She leans in and kisses him deeply and passionately, Hawks savouring every last bit of her flavour and taste. He lavished in the moment until his phone started ringing. "Dammit." He said under his breath as he looked at his phone to see the hero commission calling him. He answers the call but leaves the room so he can talk to them without (Y/n) around.

"What is it?" He said in a frustrated and tired tone. "I'm calling just to remind you that you're working tomorrow."

"Really? I had no idea." Hawks said in a sarcastic voice. He was slightly annoyed that he was interrupted to be told something he was fully aware of. "I really don't care for your tone. You do your job and I'll do mine. Just remember after everything with Twice and Dabi, not everyone is going to trust and support you straight away." Hawks didn't like to be reminded that he murdered someone but he had to face the truth at some point. "Yeah, got it." The commission hung up and Hawks walked back to his and (Y/n)'s waiting room where she was waiting for him. "Are you okay?" She asks as he takes a seat next to her.

Without saying a word he holds her tight and lays a kiss on her cheek. "I am now." She giggled at his reply. "Cute." She said before breaking out in a coughing fit. Hawks hands her some water which she gratefully took. "Acting up again?" He asked worriedly and she nodded in response.

At the moment (Y/n)'s health wasn't bad but she wasn't exactly getting better. On occasion she would get tired very easily and feel numb often due to lack of blood circulation.

"Your surgery is tomorrow night anyway. You'll be fine after that." Hawks said reassuringly but (Y/n) didn't seem as confident which worried him. She always said that once she had the surgery that there would be no more problems but no he's questioning if that really is the case. "You will be okay, won't you?"

"Yeah of course." She said, still not sounding totally sure but Hawks believed her. "Great. I'll get off work before your surgery starts so I'll be by your side when you fall asleep and when you wake up again." He holds her close and smiles warmly.

"Yeah but let's not focus on that right now. After all it's our anniversary and," she goes to the side of her bed and pulls out a small nicely wrapped box, "You haven't opened your gift yet." (Y/n) hands him the gift which he excitedly opens.

Inside was a bracelet with 'my bird' engraved on it and underneath that was a Just Eat gift card.

(A/n: The bracelet kinda looks like this. I'm not great at describing stuff. Sorry.)

(Instead of 'your text' it says 'my bird'

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(Instead of 'your text' it says 'my bird'. Enjoy the rest of the chapter (*^ω^*) )

Hawk's heart melts as he happily places the bracelet on his wrist. "Since I have the necklace to remember you by, you can look at the bracelet and think of me. The Just Eat gift card is for KFC," She said, smiling slightly, "I hope you like it."

"Like it? I love it!" He said happily. (Y/n) gently pulled Hawks close by his collar making a pool of butterflies in his stomach. Their lips linger close as he felt her breath brush past his cheek. "I'm glad." She breathed out before going in and kissing him.

· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·

The couple decided to spend their evening cuddling and watching rom coms which is a genre Hawks really loves. They happily watch and laugh at the movies while enjoying each other's presence and warmth. Unfortunately it had to end early as Hawks had work tomorrow and (Y/n) had to prep for surgery.

 Unfortunately it had to end early as Hawks had work tomorrow and (Y/n) had to prep for surgery

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