Ending the worst year on the best note

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Hi.... I know it's been a bit but I hope you love this part, I'm thinking abt ending the book soon but let me know your thoughts in the comments, love y'all SM and happy reading guapas

Irenes POV:
It has been a few months past my first therapy session. Since then my mental health has improved greatly, me and Tam have of course been planning for the wedding, and have had the best Christmas with Fernando, my mom Suzzane, my brother, her mom, and of course Chesko. But now it's time to get back to work.

While encompassed in my thoughts of what has happened these past few months, I felt Tam slide her hand over my hips on to stomach and fully encase me in her embrace.

I flipped over to my other side (so now I was facing her) and groggily whispered "Buenos Dias guapa 😊"

"Morning" she said, in a dreary, sleepy tone

"You know what day it is?" I asked

After checking her phone she said "uh December 31st? "

"Well yes..... but no Idiota it's the last day of wedding planning AND New Years Eve!!!"

"No shit" she said with a great deal of surprise and relief

"Yes babe, we have survived 2020, all the while getting back together, SKAM ending, breaking up with toxic ex's, you getting COVID, us going on some beautiful dates, sleeping in a park, having our one year anniversary, and now getting married"

"JODER... we really did all that, in the midst of a pandemic?" (-Tam)

"Yes baby, and even though this year has sucked ass. It has also been the best year of my life"

"And why is that?" She said confused

"Because through it all, the ups, the downs, the in-betweens.... I've had you"

"I'm grateful too guapa, thanks for always taking care of me and being here when I need you" (-Tam)

"That's what wives do... no?" I replied

Smiling she said "I still love that word, especially when it refers to you"

Than she gave me a long slow kiss full of warmth and passion, than we calmly embraced for a long while, before getting up and starting our day.

Tam and I headed to the shower but then decided to take a bath, so we filled up the tub with water, cuddling and kissing in the warmth for about an hour until we got out.

After our bath we dressed and went out.

We had already gotten our outfits (separately of course), flowers, catering, picked a place, and chose all the dining sets, now all we needed was to pick a cake.

This may sound stupid but it seemed like an impossible task to pick a cake, I wanted light and fruity and she wanted rich and decadent, it was frustrating to say the least, but that's why I love her, she was the spice to my sugar and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Tams POV:

We decided to try "Irene Bakery" since we had already gone to "Star Cakes" and "Cori's Sweet Temptations", and at this point it was basically our only option

"The best for last" Irene said

"Oh and is it the best because it has your name?"

"Of course, why would it have my name if it wasn't the best" Irene said cockily

"Alright sapito, just chill for a second, they might be homophobic and not even consider taking us, plus we haven't even tasted them yet"

"Fine" she mumbled, "but you'll see it's gonna be great"

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