This is a fan fic about the ship Rizhene / Tamarene which is Tamara Luz Ronchese (Rizha) and Irene Ferreriro two actresses from SKAM España who play Cris Soto Peña and Joana Bianchi. This story is about there relationship after season four (the fina...
K a few things I need to say before I get into this chapter: I'm VERY excited Irene and Donkey broke up but let's all be extra nice to Irene rn and not shove it in her face
ALSO at the very end of the chapter things take a turn and get spoicy so... IF YOU ARE 14 OR UNDER OR KNOW ME PERSONALLY READ AT YOUR OWN RISK
The next day 6:00 am Tams POV: I woke up exhausted, with my head pounding, and wanting nothing more than to just lay back in my bed, but alas I know I can't do that because I have work, so I got up took a shower and texted Chesko asking what time our first interview was, he said that it was in 2 hours and that he would pick me up in one, so I throw on a basic shirt, a black jacket, some jeans, and a beanie and leave my room. For some reason I didn't feel like eating so I sit back down on my couch and watch the rest of season 2 (which was still paused from last night) until Chesko got there. When he arrived he immediately noticed my exhaustion and asked "hey, Tam are you ok?" I replied "Ya I'm fine, I just didn't sleep well, that's all" he shrugged and moved to the side indicating for me to go in front of him to the elevator, he's such a gentleman,even if it annoys me sometimes I always appreciate his kindness. When we get into the elevator and start going down I can feel his worried gaze on me, so I look up from my phone and say "I'm fine...really", he nods saying "I know, I'm just worried" then the door opens and we leave the elevator than exit the building. Our first two interviews go well, the first was about SKAM in which Chesko just sat on the side bored as hell for an hour, and the other was about me and Cheskos future music and collabs. 11:00 General POV: After the interview they took an Uber to a brunch place where they met Girli, after the rudimentary greetings, and taking some photos, they all catch up talking about what's new in life and of course she asks Tam about the whole "Irene situation". Chesko looks at Tam laughing a bit from already knowing this was going to happen, and after Tam tells him to shut up, she looks at Girli with a guilty smile and once more starts explaining everything from the unexpected scene, to breaking up with her gf (who she still needs to "clarify" with) after almost 45 minutes straight of Tam talking about the entire last few days, Girli stares at her in shock just like Alex, Chesko still smiling like a goofball is highly amused at the confusion and shock coming off of Girlis face, and even more ammused at Tams guilty but glowing smile, seeing the light had been put back in her eyes from just talking about Irene. After the shock had passed she goes "so two are dating again?" after Tam reply's with a simple "Ya" and a light laugh she sees the corners of her freinds mouth curl up as she says "I'm happy for you, and everything about you right now tells me you are happy too" Tam smiles at her freinds positive response but then in a serious tone she says "...but if she hurts you again I'm gonna have to kill her", Tam says "ya ya" rolling her eyes and laughing at her friends over protective-ness, then the two pay and take one last photo before going to their joint interview.
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When they arrive at the interview they sit down and basically just answer a bunch of questions about their new collab "Live The Weekend", they tell them about their idea for this song and about how they wrote it a year ago, and after another 2 hours of Chesko doing nothing but sitting on the side bored, answering business emails, the interview is over and they leave the place, say their final goodbyes, and depart, Tam going to her house with Chesko, and Girli going to her hotel. When they get home Chesko makes himself a grilled cheese, and Tam is once again holding a tall mug in which is a spoon and some kind of brown homogeneous mixture that I'm going to assume is chili, she then goes to her room and as she is eating gets another ig notification, assuming that it's a fan she automatically opened it only to find out it's her ex once again, she texted "wanna meet today... to get things over with?" ,Tam just simply rolled her eyes, with how physically awful she's been feeling today the last thing she needed right now was to emotionally pain herself but she knew she couldn't avoid it forever. She called Irene who had just gotten out of her audition and after swallowing a bite of "chilli" goes "Hey babe how are you?" Irene replies with a simple "fine" and after hearing the slight disappointment in her voice Tam goes "What's wrong guapa?" Irene tells her that she doesn't think she did that well in the audition but that she tried her best and that's what counts, Tam reassures her gf saying "you are the best actress I know boluda, own it.....I mean you acted like you were over me for months" letting out a light laugh at the end of the sentence. She can practically feel Irenes cheeks turning bright red while she replies "whatever stupid", Tam then goes "hey babe, I know you don't want to hear this right now but I need to tell you something", Irene said "ok...shoot", then Tam (who has never been good at beating around the bush) says in one quick breath "well my ex texted me yesterday morning saying she needed clarification, and trust me babe I know you don't like it ,and honestly I would rather die than go do this, but I can't put it off forever and honestly I kind of owe her since I broke up with her out of the blew like that". There is a slight pause that lasted only a moment but was enough time for Tams heart rate to triple in speed before Irene reply's "fine" in a low heart wrenching tone, Tam again sencing her discomfort says "I know guapa but I'm just meeting her for pizza so I can tell her what happened and finally have everything cleared up" Irene than says "I know it's complicated and she needs clarification but I still get sick just thinking about you talking to her" , Tam then reply's "the same goes for me and your ex, but you are right, our situation is complicated" and after a slight pause adds "but it wouldn't be us if it wasn't? Huh guapa" Irene laughs and says "True true", Tam then says "I'm sorry to have to hang up so soon but I have to go take care of that bad business now" then Irene breathes in heavily and let's out her deep breath going "fine" Tam says "bye, te quiero sapito" and Irene reply's "adios, te quiero my little alien". With that the phone call is done, and Tam reply's to her ex's ig dm with "ok here in an hour" with a link to the location of a local pizza place.