The End Is Only The Beginning

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Hey yo guys, my depression has really gotten the best of me this past month, not to mention all the work I have had to deal with, so my anxiety has risen, but I got a therapist, and I am so excited to be back, and announce that Irene is definitely single and happy again and I am very excited about that. I love you all, and this fandom more than I can put in to words so I'm just gonna leave it at that. Te Amo people and enjoy the chapter

General POV:
It was a month after New Years and it was finally time. The day had arrived, they were going to get married. Because of some flight delays with the pandemic, and a few unforeseen problems the date of the wedding had to be pushed back a week or two. But now all the guests from Spain, Argentina, and anywhere else, were in Madrid for their special day.

Tams POV:
I woke up in a hotel room, alone.This was the first time I had woken up without Irene almost a year and it was the weirdest, most unsettling feeling imaginable, to not have her beside me felt like I had lost apart of myself and to be honest, it was frightening. It's funny, a lot of people will look at us in public and assume I'm the protector, but really she's the one that keeps me safe, emotionally and physically...damn I love that woman. But alas I knew that I couldn't have spent last night with her, trust me I tried everything possible for me to be able to, but we are not allowed to se each-other in our outfits until the moment she walks down the isle, so for now I'll deal with getting ready alone until Chesko and my parents come by later to pick me up.

I roll out of bed and make my way to the closet, immaturely I laugh to myself thinking that my very gay outfit is in the closet. I open it and see my suit hanging there. I chose to go with a simple all white suit, with a Lacey crop top, and for my hair I decided to wear it curly and "natural"... or as natural as it could be for the amount of times I've dyed it.

A few moments after I was finished putting on my suit, and getting my hair situated I heard a knock on my door, to make sure it wasn't Irene I looked through the peep hole first and opened the door

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A few moments after I was finished putting on my suit, and getting my hair situated I heard a knock on my door, to make sure it wasn't Irene I looked through the peep hole first and opened the door. Suddenly I had 3 people spring there love on me as I was enraptured in hugs

"Yes yes I missed you guys too" I laughed "but I kinda have to get married in this in a few hours, so if you could not wrinkle it that would be great"

"Oh sorry" my dad said

"Ya my bad Tam" added Chesko

"You ready baby?" My mom asked

"Besides the overwhelming nerves, anxiety, and intense need to vomit.... ya I'm ready"

"Oh don't you worry dear" she assured me "Irene loves you and you love her, all will go swimmingly"

I hugged her and said "I know you're right, and it's all in my head... I just can't stop the nerves"

The Beginning After the EndWhere stories live. Discover now