Oxytocin and Baby Fever

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Irenes POV:

We woke up the morning , got coffee and went to the hospital to visit my mother, we were in a rush so we didn't have time to take a shower or really do anything to look nice, I my wrestlers blonde hair was tied back in a semi contained messy bun and I was wearing a sleeping shirt of Tams, with some black shorts, and sandals. Tam was in a big hoodie, with her dark black hair in a messy bun as well with a half grown out undercut, accompanied by some sweat pants and slip on vans (I don't know why but she looked extra adorable when she didn't try). We got to the hospital and immediately went to my mothers room, we opened the door and Tam lifted two coffees off the tray I was holding and gave one to each parent, my mom had a cold coffee while Jesus's was hot. They both looked surprisingly well rested for having spent the last few days in the hospital, but I was quickly informed that my eyes were deceiving me and they had only slept 4 -5 hours each, "so what is the big news?" I asked my mom, she was confused so she responded with "what?" I said " You know, the urgent message you had to give us, ... the whole reason we got up at 7:00am to come see you in the hospital in nothing but our pajamas" .... "oh ya" she said "I remember, I wanted to tell you that I'm being discharged today!" I was so excited I practically yelled "MOM THATS GREAT!!!" forgetting that it was 8:00am and there were probably other moms and new borns still asleep (given that we were in the maternity ward) , "shhhhh" she said, quickly reminding me to lower my voice, "perdón" I whispered then I said to my mom, "Im happy you are getting out of here, but... couldn't you have just sent us a text?" she then replied "well ya, but I'm getting out fairly soon and I wanted to go shopping with you guys for the baby. Since she arrived pretty early, I don't have much for her yet." "does she have a crib?" Tam asked, my mother replied "Ya, it's small but it will work for the time being" "Vale" she said. Then I asked "Ey mom, if we are shopping who's gonna take care of  la niña?" turning my attention to the little baby in her arms and giving her a loving look, then my mom gave Jesus a guilty smile and he (half annoyed) said "Vale, I'll take care of the little one while you girls run the errands..." then my mom lifted the baby up to him and he picked her up and tickled his daughter under her chin then he exclaimed, "after all, someone has to make sure this angel has everything she needs" then he kissed her on the cheek. I felt strong, warm arms wrap around me as Tam sleepily put her head on my shoulder and kissed my cheek, then she whispered in my ear "you're my angel" then my cheeks began to turn a bright crimson as was their normal routine whenever Tam was extra cute, I was about to respond but there was three knocks on the door, me and Tam turned around (her arms still around me) and a short, curly haired, Cuban woman came in the room and said "I hope I'm not interrupting but I am nurse Alvarez, and I was just coming by to give you the discharge papers" she then handed a clipboard to my mom and left quietly. After about 45 minutes all the paper was complete and me, my mom, and Tam walked out of the Hospital along with Jesus, my mom was holding the baby carrier up until we go to the entrance of the hospital, we had apparently parked really far from Jesus so this was where we had to say goodbye, I kissed the baby on the head and Tam did too, my mom cried a little bit and kissed her little girl about 90 times, I didn't know if her reaction was just hormones or what but I decided it was best not to say anything and just to let the moment be as it was. After a few minutes Jesus walked to his car and we walked in the opposite direction, when we got to our car I asked Tam if I could drive since my mom was clearly exhausted, and she had been up all night editing god knows what, she said "vale" and I took the keys from her, we decided to go back to the house to change into something more suitable for the outside world. When we got there my mom went to take a shower to "wash off the pregnancy" (her words not mine) whatever that meant and I was in the living room with Tam, she could tell I was annoyed because the whole way home my mom was being a backseat driver, telling me how much better Tam is than me, "don't worry about what you mom said, I think you are a great driver, plus you are absolutely gorgeous, the best if both worlds if you ask me" she said smirking at me with a little twinkle in her eye, making my mouth widen into a huge smile (without her having to say a word), then I replied "well, if my driving was a little bad today, it might be because I had a very attractive, very flirty girl next to me, that couldn't seem to keep her hand off my leg" I gave her a slightly annoyed but amused look and she gave me a big smile in return, her cheeks now slightly reddening then (acting completely oblivious) she said "I have no clue what you are talking about" , I rolled my eyes and smiled, my cheeks started to blush and I bit my lip to keep that from happening, as soon as I did she smiled wide and before I knew it her mouth was on mine, we kissed like never before, every single word she said to me a few nights ago came flooding back through my head, I just wanted to reciprocate her words through the movement of my lips and tongue. We made out for a few minutes on the couch until we were inevitably interrupted by my mother, she knocked on the wall to get our attention, I got off  Tam and blushed from the wave of extreme embarrassment, then I turned to my mom who was now standing in my pink robe slightly damp from the shower, and she said "sorry it interrupt but do you have any clothes that would fit me?" I looked at Tam who was smiling slightly amused at everything that just occurred and she said "I don't know but you can check" , then I walked with my mom down the hallway giving Tam one last embarrassed eye roll, she flashed me a guilty smile and me and my mom entered our room, I started rifling through our drawers to see what I could find when I hear my mom say "wow! so this is it", "ya" I replied, "I thought you had been here before", "no" she said "...every time we make plans it's at my place" , then I said "well, I hope you like it, sorry it's a bit messy, we weren't really expecting company", "it's fine daughter" she responded "....I like to see when a house is a home, like it's been lived in" I said "I don't know if that's a complement or not so I'm just going to say thank you" then after I had found a top and a pair of leggings I thought would fit my mom I closed the dresser and stood up straight and handed my mom the clothes, "thank you" she said, "...and yes it is a complement" then she locked the door and started getting changed with her back turned toward me, luckily she was already wearing underwear so I didn't see anything I absolutely did not want to see, but as she was pulling on her leggings she continued our conversation, she said "not to be  too direct but.... I liked seeing you and Tam just now" my cheeks went from pale white to bright red in 2 seconds flat "MOM!!!!!!!!" I yelled "WHAT?!" she said, then she elaborated, "... I meant that I liked that I saw you two so into each other after all this time, with a lot of couples the chemistry only stays for the first year or so then you get tired, and to be honest I was worried about that with you and Tam, but from what I just witnessed I don't think that's an issue" I laughed and said "definitely not..." then I lowered my voice to a much more soft and loving (almost distant) tone and said "I could never get tired of her...ever" then my mom got her shirt on and looked back at me staring off into the distance, smiling like an idiot, folding and refolding the same shirt over and over, then she took the shirt out of my hands and snapped me back into reality, she said "my dear...what just happened right now... that was love" I was utterly confused by what she was saying so I said "us kissing? what do you mean" she explained "no.... well Sire, when you are in love...TRUELY IN LOVE... you do, well...what you just did", "and what is that" I asked, she said "thinking about them all the time, smiling at the mention of their name, spacing out picturing a future with them" because that is what you were doing just now, no??" , I replied "well ya, I mean I was thinking about when Tam held Gabrielle, how my heart stopped, and when the moment was over I just wanted to see it again and again" my face had reverted to its previous state with my eyes in a distant but placid gaze, my mom once again pulled me out of it by asking me "you wanna know how I know?", my eyes quickly met hers and I said "sure" then she said "because of that look you had on your face just now" it seems to be your constant state when you aren't around Tam or she isn't right next to you, because you are thinking about her, you miss her, and you love her. Then I smiled, gave my mom a huge hug, and while still enveloped in her arms I said "tell me something I don't know"  then I laughed as a stray tear fell down my cheek, I wiped it away quickly, and before I let go I said "thank you, I know you know how much I love her but... it's nice to hear that someone else recognizes the feelings I have for her" then my mom said "ya, she's a special one, anytime baby" and kissed me on the cheek. Then I unlocked the bedroom door for her and we set out into the living room. I promptly went over and kissed Tam once more climbing into her lap and kissing her for several moments, Tam stoped the kiss and said "babe your mom" Irene looked into her deep brown eyes and said "I love you"

General POV:
Then Tam said "I love you too gorgeous" and pecked her clingy girlfriend once more, she then wrapped her arms around Irenes waist and stood up so that now Irene looked like a baby koala holding on to Tam for dear life. She kissed her on the cheek and said "shall we go now guapa?" Irene said "of course love" kissed Tam on the lips and detached herself. Then the three walked out of the apartment and headed to do some baby clothes shopping.

Two hours and 7 stores later they arrived at Suzzane'shouse, Tam and Irene helped her bring all the bags in from the several children's the stores they went to, set up the rest of the nursery, and Tam even offered to change the baby's diaper, when she was in there Irene followed her  and watched her as she exchanged the dirty diaper for a new one, being ever so delicate with the precious newborn sitting before her, she didn't say a word that whole time she just looked lovingly back and fourth between Tam and her little sister, she had never seen Tam with a child before but for some reason the sight just seemed so natural to her. When Tam was done she looked back at Irene gawking face and said "don't you be catching baby fever on me now sapito" she laughed and Irene rolled her eyes, following that with a good job kiss on the cheek, and with that, they went into the main area, after Gabrielle ate she was very sleepy so she rested while the four of them caught up on life, as the conversation was coming to an end Tam said "well,  it's getting pretty late and we don't want to over stay our welcome so I think we better head home now", "you sure?" Suzanne said, Irene answered and said "ya, we don't want to disturb the babys sleep any longer, and we have some things to discuss anyway" then she gave her mom a look to which she then replied "ah, I see, well you know you could never overstay your welcome here, but it seems like you do have some pretty important things to attend to". They said their goodbyes and Tam and Irene drove home in complete silence, when Tam opened the door back into their apartment, when they entered she said "Irene am I in trouble? Because if the whole 'very important things to discuss' is about the kiss earlier, I didn't know your mom was there and I'm sorry I laughed but-......" suddenly her worried rant was cut off by Irenes kiss and once again it grew deeper and deeper, faster and faster until 45 minutes later Tam and Irenes clothes were scattered in a trail to their room and they laid in bed exhausted, holing and kissing each other softly, Tam kissed Irenes head and said "babe what was the thing you wanted to talk about?" Irene turned to Tam, gave her a kiss and said "I have been thinking about what you told me a few nights ago all day, I had a talk with my mom and I didn't tell her anything but she could sense that I was over the moon happy, and completely in love with you" she mumbled  "she told me how she had seen our connection from the start and it has only blossomed since, hearing that made my heart so happy. Reflecting on everything that we have been through, and how at the end of the day I know I will still always choose you, and just seeing you with the baby...I don't know... is it crazy to want to marry the love of my life in our early 20's?", "Not at all guapa" she said "thats my dream every night is getting married.... it's never in the same place, or at the same time, and you are never wearing the same thing but.... every night in my head, we get married just the same" then Irene said "really?" and  Tam said "ya" then they shared a peck and Irene said "Tammy..", "huh" Tam replied, Irene continued and said "what about kids?" Then Tam moved her hand from Irenes arm (where it had been resting) to her stomach and stroked it lovingly, she than said "I would love to see the day that little belly of yours holds a human", "REALLY!!!" Irene said excited, "of course my love" replied Tam, continuing to say  "why wouldn't I want to have a kid with you... you are my person" Irene said "and you're mine" then they shared a final deep, goodnight kiss and slept hugging each other, while Tam once again dreamed of their wedding day, Irene thought of Tam and having a baby of their own.

also don't forget ig is croana.guapa if you wanna check it out :)

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