This is a fan fic about the ship Rizhene / Tamarene which is Tamara Luz Ronchese (Rizha) and Irene Ferreriro two actresses from SKAM España who play Cris Soto Peña and Joana Bianchi. This story is about there relationship after season four (the fina...
Before I begin the next chapter I just wanted to say IM SO SO SO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING UNTIL NOW I know that was a total loser move of me to do and I also know that some of you probably get annoyed when writers use school as an excuse but I was genuinely swamped with work and thats the reason for this big boi late update. but I hope ya'll will forgive me and enjoy this chapter!
Morning : 10:30 am
Tams POV:
I woke up and I was alone, I got out of bed and went into the hall calling out to Irene saying "babe... BABE.. where are you?" , then as I was about to text her I opened our Whatsapp to see she had already sent me a message that read "good morning babe, I'm sorry I wasn't there to kiss you on the cheek and wake up with you, but I am out shopping to restock the fridge and picking up breakfast we have a big day planned😉 xoxo 😘Irene" after reading that I was calm... at least I knew where she was, but I was wondering what she had planned for us to do that day. I hoped in the shower still pondering that question but immediately my mind went blank when I felt the icy cold water hit my back, I looked at the temperature dial and saw that I did set it to warm but then I remembered that we haven't turned on our hot water yet, needless to say I took the quickest shower of my life and did everything twice as fast to avoid being in that freezing water any longer, when I got out I put on a casual but versatile outfit for the day consisting of a long sleeved black and red shirt, some grey plaid pants, and my black converse with red laces.
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Once I got everything on and had brushed through my hair I heard the sound of Irenes keys unlocking the door, immediately I was exited and left the room meeting her in kitchen. I took the bags she was holding from her and put them on the counter, than shoving a few of them aside I picked her up and placed her on the counter, then I went in between her legs reached around her neck, kissed her softly and said "good morning love" , she then kissed me before replying "morning beautiful" then she hugged me and I scooped her up off the counter and put her on the floor, then she put the back of her hand to my head and she said "guapa you're freezing, are you sick?" I said "no love it's because I had to take a cold shower this morning since we don't have hot water yet" then putting her hand in her forehead and looking at me with a sorrowful expression she said "puta mierda, lo siento amor I was supposedly pay it and completely forgot" I smiled looking at her, kissed her once more and said "don't worry,... it actually kinda woke me up if I'm being honest" she said "vale" and started to head towards the door again, before she was all the way through I said "babe? Where are you going?" Then she turned back to me and smiled seeing the slightly worried expression all over my face she then exclamed "honey there are still some groceries, and our breakfast in the car", the. With a sigh of relief I said " sure you don't want help?" And her being the tough, independent little baby she is said "no I got it but thanks"
General POV: Irene brought in two more loads of groceries and while she was setting things down Tam was putting them in the fridge, after 30 minutes if team work they were done and they got to have breakfast, knowing Irene, Tam thought they would be having creps, or some other really expensive dish she could hardly pronounce, but when Irene opened the big styrofoam box and revealed that there were churros Tam clobbered her in a tight hug then kissed every imaginable part of her face. Irene laughing then said "do you like your surprise?" Tam then replied with "of course.. you know they are my favorite" then Irene said "I know" and gave Tam a little kiss on the cheeck. After the box of churros and two glasses of Horchata were polished off Tam threw away their trash in the bag that was currently tied to the cabinet under the sink and while doing so said "babe we need to get a trash can for the house today" then Irene said "that reminds me..." and Tam replied "reminds you of what?" now with a look of confused curiosity, then Irene said "you know how I said we had a big day planned..." and Tam getting excited eagerly remarked "Ya..." Irene came closer and grabbed Tams shirt leaving them mere inches apart and said "well we need to make this house a home... we need to go shopping for our furniture and such" then she pecked Tam in the lips. Tam slightly rolled her eyes and with a pouty and complaining tone said "that's it? You got me so excited for nothing 😔 why?" Then Irene smiling said "because I like messing with you 😁 and I knew what you were thinking" then leaning in closer so that Tam could feel her warm breath against her cold skin said "and trust me I want to too, but we have to have a bed frame" then she bit Tams ear, kissed her on the cheek and walked to go take her own cold shower. Tam then went and sat down in the couch, and while waiting for Irene to return she sat down on the couch and looked up furniture stores on her phone, when Irene came out she was butt ass naked and only had a towel on, Tam sensing her presence looked up but when she saw Irene her eyes widened and her mouth gaped open involuntarily, then Irene laughed and said "Whoo hoo... baaaaabe..." then she snapped her fingers to get Tam back into reality and she said "wha- what is it gu- guapa? 😳🤤" Irene looked where Tam was looking and said "babe that's not my face... look up" than Tam turned bright as a tomato and said "sorry" in a low tone all embarrassed. Then Irene walked to the couch, sat down (still in her towel) took Tamaras faces and kissed her, then she said "it's fine I kinda like knowing that my girlfriend checks me out every once in a while..." then Tam said "Girlfriend... I like when you say that word... especially when it applies to me, but do you know what I like more?" Irene look at her smiling half confused and said "no...what?" then Tam said "wife... I'm not saying I want to get married right now, I'm saying that I couldn't picture my life without you and so I want to call you wife and if you want to you can call me that as well" then Irene said "vale" and Tam mocked her saying "VaLeE" then they kissed once more and then Irene noticed Tams hands traveling down her bare still partially wet skin when her hands reached her hips Irene pulled back and stopped the kiss saying "wife we can't right now I came out here because I couldn't find any of my clothes so I was wondering if I could borrow some of yours" then in a kind of sad tone Tam said "of course love what's mine is yours,... plus you called me wife ☺️" then Irene said "thanks babe, I promise it won't be long". Irene came out 15 minutes later with her hair brushed and her body fully clothed, she was wearing a simple ET shirt of Tams with jeans and a black fannypack.