07| Granny Panties

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Sean's words may or may not have played on repeat in my head for the remainder of that day. He distanced himself from me after that, barely looking in my direction. When he did, it was just to make sure that no one else tried their luck with me but I was certain everyone had either heard or saw his so-called claim on me. When I finally came back to my senses, I realized how dumb that was and how uncomfortable it made me feel. It gave me feelings I had never felt before.

That afternoon I had gone home with Lacy but Sean hadn't come with me. He opted for hailing a cab instead, probably realizing what he did and wanted to place distance between us. Maybe, he too felt uncomfortable. That would explain why I hadn't seen him the entire of Tuesday. I spent my Tuesday the same way I spent my Monday, albeit Amira's rants and Sean's presence.

I had managed to get in a short conversation with Dean Tuesday night. He didn't have much time free on his hands and I didn't want to disturb him. It didn't change the fact I missed him though. He wasn't like his brother and I missed that. I missed the nice, calm, put-together person Dean was. He was the safer of the two brothers. The better pick when it came to having a friendship or a relationship.

The sound of someone strumming an acoustic guitar filled my room. I was sprawled out in bed, lying flat on my stomach. The harmonious sound startled me, causing me to spring up quickly which led to me hitting the back of my head onto the underneath of the top bunk. A loud thud filled the room and a cry of pain followed after.

"Fuck," I heard a male voice curse but I was still slightly disoriented with a mixture of sleep and pain flooding my vision. The bed dipped and the next thing I felt was a large hand massaging the huge bump that had formed on the back of my head, "If I knew you'd to pounce off the bed like a fucking cheetah I wouldn't have done that."

I groaned, feeling the pain of the bump and the pleasure of someone's fingers lacing through my hair. Honestly, nothing felt better than someone playing with your hair. The person's fingers worked their way down my neck, massaging as caressing my muscles with his rough hand. It clouded my mind enough not to question exactly who it was that had his hands on me.

That was until he spoke again and I nearly hit my head on the bunk for a second time as realization dawned on me!

"Princess," his voice sounded thick of something, not sure what it was but it was something nonetheless, "did that bump on your head turn you into a Zombie or something because I'm pretty sure that there's drool leaking down the side of your mouth."

The first thing that hit me was that the King of Jerks had his hand on me, massaging me and talking to me with humor coloring his tone. The second thing that dawned upon me - which should have been the first but here I was having yet another brain fart moment - was that I had just woken up and he was in my room. Which meant, if he saw drool running down my face, he probably wasn't lying or just teasing.

Slowly, in fear of having my thoughts proven correct, I rose my hand and swiped it across my mouth and cheek. My warm saliva coated the tips of my fingers and a wave of embarrassment crashed into me, the impact causing me to let out a strangled scream. To make matters worse, my eyes darted down to what I wore to bed. It was hot so I slept in a white tank and granny panties.



I stumbled out of bed, dragging the sheets with me and eventually tripping on them and face planting myself - because, things couldn't possibly get any worse. The laugh that bounced off the walls in my room allowed a blush to crawl up my neck and tint my cheeks. Embarrassed didn't begin to explain what I felt at that moment as I slowly turned my head to meet Sean's twinkling eyes.

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