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Monday's were already a pain in the ass, to begin with, but today, today put the cherry on top of the Sundae. I had been woken up by a video call from Amira at the crack of dawn. Three hours past since then and we were still on the call. Why? Because of the King of Jerks himself! Somehow, even with him not around me, he still found a way to ruin my day. The mere mention of him had the air around me pricking my skin.

Apparently, from what I could make out during Amira's strangled sobs, Sean had broken things off with her. They weren't exactly an item, to begin with, but Amira took things seriously. So seriously that she may have caught feelings. Continuously sleeping with one another with no strings attached clearly wasn't a good idea because, somehow, strings woven themselves between them.

"I jus—" she whimpered, wiping her red puffy eyes and her runny nose with the sleeve of her fluffy red sweater, "I don't know what I did wrong," Amira scooped a large amount of ice-cream and stuffed it into her mouth in a very unappealing manner, "And I wore my best set for the ass," her words came out muffled due to the full mouth of ice-cream.

I rolled my eyes. It might have been an insensitive gesture; an equivalent of telling her 'I told you so', but I didn't really feel bad for her that. She wasn't as close to me as Dean but she still meant something to me. She meant enough for me to attempt to watch out for her. But Amira being Amira, never listened to my warnings.

"Amira, I have no idea what you want me to say," I breathed out in frustration, "You know how Sean is. Did you really think you were the only flower in his garden? And need I remind you, even flowers die sweety."

Amira stared at me incredulously. She blinked once, then twice, and then burst out crying again, "When did my life start equating to that dumb Instagram meme? I'm one of those girls. Oh. My. God." She began hyperventilating, fanning herself with her hand as she tried to blink away the tears.

"Amira, deep breaths babe," I mumbled, peeking my head out of my bunk to see if Lydia had woken up. The child slept like a rock but I made sure to keep my voice down and use a Bluetooth so Lydia couldn't hear Amira, "I was kidding. Deep down you knew he was fucking around. That's what fuck boys do."

"That's the thing," She croaked, throat dry from her weeping, "he never slept with anyone else, Rose. Trust me I know. If I wasn't with you then I was with him and the only time I wasn't with him was when he needed to study. You'd be surprised how much that boy studies," she scoffed, rolling her eyes.

I brought two fingers up to my temple and began massaging in small circles, "I don't know, Amira. Maybe Sean just doesn't like you in that way. Maybe it was all just physical for him. There's no emotional connection."

"Well, what the fuck will it take to form an emotional connection?" She gapped, throwing her arms up in the air, "At this point, I'm willing to do anything. I don't even care if it makes me look like a desperate bitch."

"But it does," I retorted in a clipped tone, "and as your friend, I'm obligated not to allow you to make a fool of yourself. Just get your shit together and move on Amira. There's plenty of fish in the sea."

"Yeah, but I want the one with big dick energy."

"Fine, don't come crying to me when you get your heart broken by being stupid," I grimaced. Talking to Amira was like talking to a brick wall when she had her mind set on something.

"I'm most definitely going to come crying to you even though you totally suck at this while emotional support thing," she sent me a dry look before continuing, "but answer me this, can you name one girl that would be better for him?"

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