04| Brain Fart

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I walked into the house empty-handed because Dylan refused to let me help. Everything about the place still looked the same. The entrance had a storage closet on one side and a coat rack on the other. The passage in front had family pictures hanging on the wall, leading into a beautiful and modern kitchen. A family area was situated to the left of me, color scheme of browns and beige, and a dining room to the right; the same color scheme as the family room. If it were up to Dylan and Lacy, their entire home would have been black and silver but, luckily, other people had a hand in designing the place.

There was a staircase only a few feet away from me which led to the bedrooms upstairs. There were three bedrooms upstairs and one downstairs. The one downstairs was the designated guest bedroom since it had an ensuite. Upstairs had the master bedroom with an ensuite, one bathroom for us kids to use, and two other bedrooms - the boys shared one, and now Lydia and I would shared the other.

The aroma of roast lingered in the air and I already knew that we would be having a rack of lamb with roast potatoes and a side of vegetables for dinner. It was something Dylan loved making, especially since he did all the cooking in the house. If it weren't for him, we would have all starved. Eventually, I took over the duty when he became too busy. We did everything and anything to keep Lacy out of the kitchen because she simply could not cook. There was a higher chance of pigs farting rainbows than Lacy actually cooking without almost burning the house down.

"Rose..." I heard a squeal before a tiny body tackled my legs. Lydia stared up at me with round gleaming eyes the color of a lush forest. Her jet black hair was tied into a bun that had tufts of hair sticking out in every direction. When she smiled, her perfect teeth greeted me. I wondered when those would fall off. It was strange for a kid to have such amazing teeth.

I put my hands under her arms and picked her up, placing her on my hip, "Lydia, what the hell is your daddy feeding you. I feel like your way a ton since I last saw you," I complained, playfully biting her chubby rosy cheeks.

"I'm a growing child. Pretty soon I'll be taller than you," she beamed and I shuddered. I was pretty tall for my age. Most girls were way shorter than me and, to be honest, most boys as well. I counted myself lucky when Dean had that growth spurt and was now comfortably taller than me.

"Let's hope you don't get so tall, Lia, we don't want you turning into a giant like me," I mused, brushing my nose against hers to which she giggled, "A little birdy told me that we are roommates."

She wriggled out of my hold until I put her down, then ran up the stairs yelling, "I call dibs on bottom bunk!"

"What?" I said with utter terror, "No Lia, you know I can't sleep on the t-"

"Come now, Rose, the top bunk isn't that high up," Lacy grinned, wiping her hands on the apron she wore before bringing me into her warm embrace, "You look good."

My eyes gave her short figure a quick sweep. She wore a grey bodycon dress that hugged her every curve - and she was a pretty curvy woman after giving birth to the triplets. The dress had a low front, showing off her cleavage. Her raven black hair was cropped short into a bob that framed her pretty face.

"You don't look too bad yourself," I complimented just as the door opened behind me, Sean and Dylan entering with our bags.

"Uncle Sean!" Damien and Lance yelled excitedly and for the first time, I heard Sean laugh as he dropped his bags, got onto his knees, and held his arms out for the boys to run into. His laugh was rich but it sounded peculiar to my ears. It vibrated in his chest, echoing off the walls as it left his lips.

"Miss me?" Sean simply asked, pulling away from the short hug to fist bump the two boys who looked at him with awestruck eyes. That emotionless mask Sean had put up for me broke into a million pieces as soon as he saw Damien and Lance. His smile, so large that I could even see the imperfections of his teeth. Unlike Dean, Sean never had braces so he had these cute teeth that overlapped slightly.

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