05| Stage Five

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"Miguel?" I called out as soon as I walked into the apartment. The place was thoroughly trashed. Red solo cups and beer bottles littered the floor along with many sleeping bodies of people I didn't know. I could make out a distinct vomit stain on the cream carpet that covered the floors of the apartment. I was now past the stage of irritation, "Miguel!" My voice came out as a growl, bouncing off the walls and causing the sleeping bodies to stir.

Fucking cunts needed to get the fuck out of my apartment before I threw them out!

"Stop screaming pendejo, it's too early for it," Miguel strode out of his bedroom wearing nothing but plaid boxers. One hand was lost in his mess of raven hair and the other planted on his hip. By how bloodshot his light brown eyes were, I could tell he had a long night.

"What the fuck is this?" I asked, kicking a drunk guy that laid at my feet. It was a gentle kick so the man didn't even stir in the slightest, "When you said you were having a party I said I'd crash somewhere else with the condition that you sort your shit out before I got back."

"No one asked you to get back so early," he shot back, heading toward the kitchen. I followed him, watched as he grabbed aspirin from the cupboard and then drank them down with a glass of water, "couldn't you have come later on today. I would have had the place cleaned up."

"Later on?" I quizzed almost incredulously. The heavyweight of a migraine was beginning to settle itself onto my frontal lobe, "It's nearly midday, Miguel. Don't give me that crap. I just came home after so long and if your goal was to piss me off, then you're fucking achieving it."

"Mierda, I didn't realize it was so late. My abuelita is going to kill me. I'm supposed to meet her for lunch," Miguel hastily ran into the bathroom, slamming the door shut behind him. If I didn't take the fucker as a brother I would have punched some sense into him a long time ago.

His granny, Maria, was my nanny and from there we became friends. Where Dean had Rose, I had Miguel. In the beginning, it was difficult. Drifting away from my brother wasn't something I thought I would ever do but time made it easier to live with it. Now, I barely knew my twin but we still had that truce.

'Never lie to one another. Never betray one another. Never forget. Together. Forever.'

I grabbed my bags from the doorway and made my way down the hall to my bedroom, finding the door open by a crack. Gritting my teeth, I opened the door with my foot and found three very naked bodies laying on the bed. Two girls and a guy. On my fucking bed. They fucked in my fucking sheets! I was pissed, beyond seeing red. Dealing with Rose early in the morning with her throbbing music was all I thought I could deal with today but the cosmos preferred me to suffer further.

Throwing my bags to the corner of the room, I strode over to the three people occupying my bed. I let anger control me as I yanked the blond asshole up by his hair, causing him to wake up with a scream. A scream I ignored as I dragged him off the bed, to the doorway, and then threw him out as if he weighed nothing.

Then I turned to the girls who each stood with one of my sheets around their bodies, "Get the fuck out of my room before I throw you out the way I did him." They visibly gulped as they nodded and scurried past me. I had half a mind to tell them to leave the sheets but I second-guessed myself. The sheets were unimportant, I could get new ones. Fuck, while I was at it, I'd rather get a whole new bed. There was no telling how many people fucked on my bed while I was away.

I rented this apartment the second I graduated from high school. Dad had trust funds for Dean and I and I chose to use mine to get away from home. California, Los Angeles was a place I loved and spent every summer so it made sense to have this place. It became my vacation spot whenever I needed to getaway. Then Miguel moved in because he needed a place to stay. Staying with his granny wasn't something he could do and still host parties. Usually, I would have been all for a party but with recent events, I wasn't in the mood for any type of human interaction.

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