09| Foul Lips

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Amira had Watchamacallit by Ella Mai featuring Chris Brown blaring through the speakers in the house. Dylan and Lacy didn't mind having her over but they made sure to voice their dislike of her presence when her back was turned. I couldn't blame them. Amira wasn't the most ideal houseguest to have. Between me constantly reminding her not to cuss in the kid's presence and to clean after herself, her visitation was beginning to annoy me, too.

Luckily, tonight Dylan and the family were at Macy's house celebrating Axel's birthday. That left Amira and me alone at home. We were busy getting ready for the party later tonight that Miguel had invited me to. I decided I'd invite Amira to join. My plan was simple: she would see Sean flirting with every girl at the party and finally wake up. Hopefully, she would gather her self dignity and find a way to get over him. I figured half my plan would work, she would never say no to a party. The other half, I wasn't certain of. Jealousy treated every person differently. I wasn't sure if she would move on or turn psycho and up her game in trying to win him back.

Either way, all I wanted was for Sean's attention to be off me. I couldn't stand the thought of me falling for him like some lovesick teen in some cliched romance movie or novel. Resisting the bad boy charm he had was easier said than done. Especially after I saw how much he cared for his friend and his nephews. The guy that treated me like crap and acted as if he didn't have a twin that looked identical to him actually cared for people other than himself. It was sweet and would have any girl, including myself, swooning. When Dean proposed this idea I should have rejected it. He should have known what a terrible idea it would be to allow his brother to spend so much time with me.

At least I had a break from seeing Sean these past two days. I had last seen him on Wednesday when he brought me home from the beach. The bonfire was amazing. Sean and I barely spent time together. He went off with God knows who doing God knows what and left me alone with Miguel who was sweet enough to keep me company for the entire night. It was easy to talk to Miguel, easy to laugh and joke with him. He was a fun, lovable guy who had an excessive partying habit and an unfortunate tie to a cartel.

Sean only returned to the bonfire area when he was ready to leave. He hadn't even asked if I wanted to go home, he just grabbed me by the arm and ordered me onto his motorcycle, speeding off once we were both on the monstrous contraption. Inconsiderate idiot that he was, drove way over the speed limit whilst intoxicated out of his mind. Add that to the fact he wore no helmet and that equated to me praying to the Gods to save my soul and send him straight into the fiery pits of Hell if we crashed.

And I was totally not being dramatic!

Luckily, I made it home in one piece and so did he because the next day he sent me a text asking if I needed a ride to his place for the party. I declined, in turn asking Miguel for a ride because it seemed like the safer option. Plus, Sean couldn't oppose Amira coming to the party if she was already there.  To quote the famous Colonel John "Hannibal" Smith from the 1980's series 'The A-Team': 'I love it when a plan comes together.

I completed setting my hair but I knew it would frizz with the humidity in the air the moment I stepped foot outside. The heat didn't stop me from adding a thin layer of makeup to my face, just enough so my nose wouldn't shine too much. Amira had me fit into one of her tiny dresses. With me being tall and her shorter than me, it meant that the dress barely covered my behind. I was uncomfortable but there was just no saying no to her.

Watchamacallit began playing again and I threw Amira a questioning glance, "You're going to kill that song. We're going to hate it by the time we leave for the party."

"You could never hate it," she dismissed with a wave of her hand, "because your voice is always on pitch when you sing along to it. I bet you hadn't even realized you were singing just now, too lost in that head of yours."

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