01| Damn Dictionary

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I was high, I knew that much. It felt like all the blood in my body rushed to my ears, causing a ringing sound that wouldn't dull down no matter how much I tried to ignore it. My vision began to blur, everything around me looking like fuzzy fluff balls of fur instead of hard inanimate objects. I knew I wasn't breathing because, technically, I had forgotten how to do the simple task. This meant my lungs burned for air and were slowly beginning to fail on me. Black dots flooded my blurry vision, dancing, and mocking me. Sweat coated my body, a minuscule layer that still managed to make me uncomfortable. The black dots began to dance faster and I couldn't help but follow their movements, inevitably making me dizzy.

If the world didn't stop spinning my lunch would make a reappearance!

I was probably about to hit the ground when strong, firm arms caught me. The comforting scent of spicy cologne enveloped me as I was brought to my feet and smashed into a hard, broad chest. Inhaling the scent I could only associate with him always calmed me. I took three large breathes before the ringing in my ears dulled down but I didn't want to leave his embrace just yet, so I buried my face further into him, wrapping my arms around his lean torso.

There was a deep throaty chuckle that could be heard, and I flushed out of embarrassment. This never got old. He would bring me up here every weekend to conquer my fear of heights but it never worked. It had been two years since we moved in together and I still hated the fact that our apartment was on the tenth floor. Standing next to the windows alone made my heart skip a beat, being on the roof made me feel like a tornado had scooped me up, twirled me around, and then spat me out.

"It's okay Rosie, you're okay. I'm right here," Dean's deep voice reverberated in his chest. Its rough sound differed from his boyish appearance. The contrast was rather amusing at times.

"I think it's safe to say that I'm never going to be okay with heights," I whined, my voice coming out muffled since my face was still using his hard chest as a pillow.

This was my version of pillow talk.

He began rubbing his hand in a soothing circular motion on my back, trying to calm my agitated nerves, "Well, at least every weekend you come up here and try to defeat that fear. Even if you're doing it just for me, it's still a major step Rosie. Don't lose hope."

With a sigh, I pulled away from him slightly to meet his dark brown orbs. They were so dark that sometimes I wondered if they were black but then the light would hit them a different way and they're brown would glisten, "I know I said I wanted to be brave and face everything head-on but this...this is something I'd rather not face if it's going to bring up the delicious lunch I ate an hour ago."

Amusement lit up his features and I could only stare at him in awe because of how handsome he looked. He hadn't changed much over the years but the little that did change made a vast difference. He now had a sharp jaw, define pink lips, a wonderfully straight nose, perfectly straight white teeth thanks to braces, and a head full of jet black wavy hair. 

As for his body, all that changed was the length since he had a growth spurt at ten and suddenly was way taller than me. He had a lean built but was toned from working out at the gym whenever he had the chance to. It was one of the many ways you could tell him apart from his identical twin brother. Their facial features may have matched but his brother was a fitness junky; buff and rugged.

Horns began blaring from the street below, causing me to jolt back to reality. I groaned, holding Dean's gaze because I knew if I attempted to look elsewhere the severity of how high we were would take its toll on me again, "Those darn cabs never know when to quit it do they!"

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