02| Sir Butt-Kiss-A-Lot

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I stood in the bustling airport; JFK always seemed to be busy with people continuously bumping your shoulder and giving you hard glares for being in the way. It was summer break, after all, everyone was rushing home or to other destinations to have a well-spent summer. I, on the other hand, stood there to bid my best friend goodbye because, unlike the rest of us, he was actually doing something productive this summer.

Amira Dhawan flanked my side; my whimsical and energetic friend that took me a whole semester to make during my first year at Julliard. The moment she and Dean met, they hit it off, making her one of our closest friends. Sean, unbelievably enough, stood with Dean, both discussing something rather animatedly.

"What do you think that's about?" Amira quizzed through a mouth stuffed with French fries. Her Indian accent slipped into her words as she spoke, something she tried to hide most of the time. I never understood why; she sounded perfectly fine with it but she didn't have that kind of confidence.

I shrugged, "No idea but I'm happy Sean decided to come. It shows that he cares even in the slightest for his brother," with those words, I turned to face my friend and took in her attire.

She wore a white tube top that stopped just below her bust, showing off her flat, toned stomach, and glistening silver belly button piercing. Her leather leggings fit her legs as if it were a second skin and she barely reached my height even with her five-inch black heels adorning her feet.

I shifted my gaze to her face. Her love for make-up showed with how expertly blended her concealer, foundation, and whatever else she layered on her face was. Her smokey eyeshadow made her deep hazel eyes pop and the maroon lipstick she wore gave the impression of her lips being fuller than usual. Whenever she turned, her nose and Medusa piercing would catch rays of light, winking at me in the process. I loved the deep tan of her skin and her long, straight as a pin raven black hair.

"Dean looks frustrated," Amira mused and I caught sight of Dean screwing his eyes shut and pinching the bridge of his nose with his thumb and forefinger. It was something he did when a headache was about to come down on him like a pile of boulders.

I huffed, "Yeah, Sean has the ability to bring out the worst in people. Specifically his brother."

"Oh, come on. He's not that bad," Amira grinned, wiggling her thick, perfectly arched black eyebrows at me, "Sean has many abilities, especially if you rub him the right way," with a wink she finalized how much I hated the fact that she had pursued Sean. Originally, she wanted Dean, and considering how well they got along it made sense but she somehow realized that I had feelings for him and shifted her attention over to the brother.

They suited each other anyway considering they were only in it for the sex.

"That's gross," I scrunched my nose to show her exactly how distasteful her words were. Dean and Sean were through with their heated discussion and were making their way toward us. The moment Dean's eyes met mine, a small smile tugged at his lips and I couldn't help but mirror the reaction, "Time to leave?" I tried sounding cheery but I failed.

Pursing his bottom lip, Dean nodded, "Yeah, take care of yourself. Promise me that you won't do anything stupid while I'm away," he took my hands in his, sandwiching them between his palms.

Rolling my eyes, I said, "I promise to behave," then I dropped my voice and muttered, "most of the time."

"Rosie," he cooed warningly and my heart decided it would learn how to beat as loud as a drum in my chest.

"Fine, I'll be good," I relented because honestly, looking at his face made me want to steal the moon away from the stars just so he could cradle it in his palm.

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