03| Twin Intuition

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Just as Sean had said, he paid me a visit at least twice a day for the past two days. He would visit in the morning, making sure I took all my meds, and then in the afternoon just to make sure nothing had happened to me. With each visit, he raided my fridge and finished all the food I had. If there wasn't anything there, he would wait for me to cook something for us to eat together.

He hardly spoke; only one to two word replies whenever I attempted to strike up a conversation. I didn't really mind it because the silence was comfortable and not arguing was enjoyable. Whatever he felt about spending time with me was concealed behind a mask that seemed shatterproof. His eyes were constantly hard and his lips etched into a deep frown.

When he would leave, he would make sure that I locked the door behind him and warned me not to open it for anyone beside him. I agreed only because I knew I wouldn't be getting visitors. Amira had left to visit her parents in Chicago for the summer. She had mentioned taking a trip to Delhi for some wedding but I wasn't paying much attention.

Dean made sure to face time me at least once a day. He looked so happy and was clearly enjoying himself in England so far. There was barely enough time to go sightseeing but with the weekend coming up, he was optimistic that he would get a chance.

I trotted into the kitchen and poured myself a cup of strong, black coffee. My phone indicated that it was ten to seven which meant Sean would be here any minute and I still looked like I had just rolled out of bed. Even after standing under an ice-cold shower, the sleep still settled onto my eyelids, making them heavy and droopy.

I was halfway through my mug when the door to my apartment opened and Sean waltzed in, "Princess, why the heck is the door unlocked when you're alone at home?" He sounded mad but my brain wasn't fully awake to compute it.

"I just unlocked it, calm your panties," I groaned, gulping down the remainder of my coffee. My senses were beginning to awaken and I could feel a rush of energy burst through me.

One more cup for the road and I should be good to go!

"Why can't you listen to one instruction. It wasn't even my instruction and yet you still found a way to disobey it. What if something happened to you? What if someone decided to break in?" He ranted further but the words were going into one ear and flying out the other.

I believe I can fly, I believe Sean can die! Every morning, every night and day, I pray he'd fuck away!

"Rose! Are you even listening to me?" The way my name rolled off his tongue caught my undying attention. I still didn't understand how he could make my name sound so...good?

"If someone wanted to break in I highly doubt my locked door would stop them," I deadpanned, "Now, do you want some coffee or not?"

"There's no time, we need to get going," his eyes scanned his surroundings before settling on mine again, "Where are your bags?"

I gestured toward my bedroom and told him to wait where he stood. My bedroom wasn't personalized or anything and was cleaned in an orderly fashion so I didn't mind if he followed in. However, I just had a strange feeling that he would know his brother and I shared the room most of the time and I didn't want that. That was something personal I wanted to keep to myself. I knew the moment Sean saw the room his 'twin intuition' would kick in.

Grabbing the duffle bag from my bed and a single small suitcase, I walked out and placed them in front of Sean. He eyed the luggage with a risen eyebrow that nearly met his hairline. I could tell he wanted to say something, the look of indecision in his eyes telling me what his words weren't.

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