Chapter 3

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"I texted Gigi that's you were sick and sleeping. She said to call her when you woke up." Caden says slowing down to come to a red light.

I'm in the passenger seat with the seat all the way back and my feet curled up into my chest while laying on my side facing Coach.

"Ok I'll call her back." I say grabbing my phone off the center console.

"Hey Siri, call mom on speaker." I say while looking at were we are on the road. About 45 min away from the doctor.

"Calling mom on speaker." The little robot voice says

Ring Ring Ring

"Omg Kasey are you ok." She all put screams threw the phone.

There's my migraine again

I turn down the volume and look up to see Caden looking down at me with a frown on his face.

"Yeah mom, I just have a temperature and have been getting some heavy migraines ."  I say almost in a whisper.

"Do you need me to take you to the doctor." She says

"No, Me and Caden is already on the road to the doctor."I say

"Ok, tell me what they say when you get there."

"Ok mom love you."

"Love you to baby. Love you Caden." She screams the last part like he can't hear her.

My face scrunches up and my eyes close.

"Love you too. Will call when we know what they say."Caden says turning left onto a highway.

"Bye mom" I say hovering my fingers over the red button

Bye, sweetie" she says then hangs up

"You ok." Caden asks glancing at me

"No, I'm felling kinda nauseous. " I say sitting up and pulling the lever for the back up the seat to rise.

"Shit" he cusses under his breath and pulling over the car.

I open my door and barley make it out the car before I'm throwing up.

I hear a door shut and footsteps coming up toward me then there's a hand grabbing my hair and holding it back while I throw up more.

When I finally feel a little bit better I stand up straight and turn toward coach.

When I turn toward him he has a bottle of water and a napkin In the hand that wasn't holding my hair.

"Thanks." I say taking a swig of the water swishing it in my mouth then spiting it out in the grass. I wipe my mouth with the napkin and take a small sip of the water.

"Better." He asks tucking some of my brown hair behind my ear.

I nod my head and take another small sip of water.

"Ok if you don't feel nauseous right know let's try and get to the doctor." He say taking my clammy, shaking hand and walking me toward the car.

I get in the car while he shuts my door. He walks around the front and get in the drivers seat and put the car in drive.

We finally make it to the doctor and sign in.
It take 20 min for a doctor to come out into the waiting area and call my name.

Me and coach gets up and walk into the room the doctor has waiting for us.

"Okay, what seams to be the problem." The doctor asks taking my temperature.

Coach tell him about what my temperature has been over the hours and that I threw up on the way here.

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