Chapter 2

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The airplane landed in Costa Rica as Zach, y/n and Gray found themselves in a huddle of hundreds of people around them with the boarding ramps which had Jurassic World logos on them

"How big is this Island!?" Gray asked enthusiastically, "Big..." Zach answered nonchalantly, "but how many pounds?" He questioned catching both his brother and y/n's attention

"How are we supposed to know that?" Y/n questioned, " doesn't make any sense" Zach agreed

The boat sailed across the water, the three stood at the rail, "when they first opened they had only 8 species now they have fourteen herbivores and 8 carnivores!" Gray said

"That's like fifty tons of food a week!"
Y/n continued being quite smart herself,  Zach didn't listen to what they were talking about as he only paid attention to some girls on the lower deck

They disembarked from the ship with the other passengers as the The Park Announcer announced, "Welcome to Isla Nublar, home of jurassic world, I hope you have a safe and enjoyable stay with us"

They stopped infront of a sign with a name written on it and a woman named Zara Young holding it, "where's aunt claire?" Gray questioned

"They didn't even spell my name right!" Y/n scoffed, "well n/n I really think your name should've been hot head" Zach teased

Y/n glared at him and punched him in the arm, he rubbed his arm, " head" he teased yet again, y/n was about to punch him again but, "stop flirting infront of me! I'm only a kid!" Gray gagged and ran off to the train passing by

"Oh no you don't!" Y/n shouted after the boy and ran after him, a small smile sprung across Zach's face watching the girl but he shook his head

She's only your bestfriend Zach! Get a hold of yourself! He scolded himself and went after his crazy bestfriend and his nerd of a brother

The boys sat besides each other while
y/n got a seat behind Zach, she was annoying him by kneeing him from the back of the seat, Zara shook her head at the teenager

"Okay those of you infront of the train should be able to see our main gate built from the gate of the original park over twenty years ago" the monorail announcer well... announced

Gray excitedly ran to the front and saw the huge gate which was just like the first one with lit torches and the door opened leading the train inside

"Please obey all Park rules, proper attire including shoes and shirts must be worn at all times" Gray ran around like an excited kid and Zara having trouble keeping up with him

She checked her wristband, "your aunt arranged to meet you at one o'clock"  she annoyingly looked at Gray

"Can he slow down?" Y/n just wanted to beat her up for giving Gray a judgy look but couldn't since Zach knew her too well, held her back

"Nope" he answered her question and they all followed Gray who has gotten to a nearby escalator, "come on!" He beamed

Zara entered the hotel room with the three closely behind her, "your aunt's got you VIP access so you can get on all the rides without waiting in line"

"Cool!" Y/n said, flopping on one of the beds and turning around on her stomach, scrolling away through her phone, "let's go!" Gray shouted

Zach flopped besides y/n, putting his leg on her leg and looking up at his phone, "dude she said we had to wait" Y/n gave a sigh and stood up, pushing Zach's leg off her

"I don't wanna wait anymore!" Gray stated, "well if that's the case, I'm going to change" Y/n told Gray, crouching to his height and booping his nose

"What are ya gonna change into? Sweatpants and Sweatshirts" Zach teased, Y/n glared at him, shuffling through her suitcase

"Actually! No!" She smiled sarcastically at him and headed towards the bathroom to change

Gray ran out the balcony door and stood infront of the giant park..... awaiting them

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