Chapter 8

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They were now driving towards a giant gate, "okay, that's it, we're safe now" Zach smiled at his brother, Gray smiles too but notices the flying dinosaurs

"Zachary! Look out!" Y/n shouted, he looked up and saw the flying dinosaurs, "go, go! Go!" Gray shouted

"Shit!" Zach muttered and stepped on the pedal, driving at the fastest speed the jeep went, "Hurry up!"Gray told his brother in a worried tone

"Hey!" Y/n waved her hands, "Help! Open the gate! Let us in! Open it up!" The three shouted towards the guards who just stared at them

"Come on! Come on!" "Open the gate! Open the gate! Let us in!" They all shouted frustrated and the guards pressed a button, opening the gate

"Hello?" Claire answered her phone, "Claire, we spotted the boys and the girl on surveillance, they're approaching the west gate, I'm headed there now" Zara told her

"Okay, stay right there, i'm on my way, stay right there with them" Claire told Zara and ran towards Owen's car

"Hey! Get on!" Owen told Claire, "ladies and gentlemen due to a containment anomaly all guests must take shelter immediately, Ladies and gentlemen,
due to a containment anomaly, all guests must take shelter immediately"

"Ladies and gentlemen, due to a containment anomaly all guests must take shelter immediately" the announcer kept on announcing

Everyone screams and runs trying to get their families to safety as the dangerous dinosaurs come flying towards them

"All units take position on boardwalk, use liquid tranquilizers, do not fire live ammunition" the ACU ordered

Claire and Owen run towards the other ACU officers and Owen begins to shoot the flying dinosaurs

"Claire, come on!" Owen told her, with the boys and y/n, Zach and y/n protect Gray while running around trying to get them and the boy to safety

They spotted Zara who saw them too, "Stop running! Wait, don't just stand there!" She shouted at the kids when she was suddenly picked up

She starts to scream as she was thrown between several dinosaurs, Zach, Gray and y/n watched in horror, the dinosaurs dropped her into the water

The Mosasaurus jumps out of the water, chomping on Zara and the Pteradon that was holding her, she gets back into the water

Claire finally arrived and started to call them, they spot her and ran towards her,  "aunt Claire!" Gray shouted, "go! Go!" Y/n shouted in fear of being picked up, "Claire!" Zach shouted

Owen notices something coming towards the boys and y/n from behind, "No! Hold your-"

A dino pins him down as he struggles with it, the flying dino that was chasing the boys from behind crash, y/n grabbed Zach's hand as Zach pulls Gray away from it, it landed inches away from them

"That was close" y/n mumbled to herself, staring at the live animal infront of her still holding Zach's hand

Claire grabs Owen's gun and smacks the dino in the head, making it yelp, she shoots it multiple times before helping Owen up

She hands him his gun but he pulls her in for a kiss, she kisses back and after a few seconds, they pull away, the boys and y/n watch, confused...

"Is that Aunt Claire?" Gray asked, Claire turns towards the kids and run towards them

"It's them! Zach! Gray! N/n!" Zach and y/n still holding hands approached her, Gray close by their sides

"My God! Thank God! Thank God!
What happened? What is this?" She asked looking at their injuries

"Are you okay? Where did you go?
Why didn't you come back? I was so worried about you" she kept on asking but the only thing Gray was wondering about was....

"Who's that?" Claire glanced at Owen and said, "we work together" she looked back at the three and noticed Zach and y/n holding hands

"So....what's going on here with you two?" She teased, y/n and Zach looked at each other and quickly released each others hands

"Nothing..." they answered not wanting to meet each others eyes, "Hey, we gotta go" Owen told them

"Okay, come on, come on" Claire said, pulling them towards the car they came in, the five started to run into the car, now finally knowing they are almost safe

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