Chapter 7

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"Hey, there, i'm Jimmy Fallon, welcome aboard the GyroSphere an amazing machine made possible by science-- Hey-- there, your safety is our main concern, now just re--lax and enjo--y the ride" Claire and Owen arrived to see the sphere dead

Claire spots Zach's broken phone and walks over, "no, no, no" "hey! They made it!" Owen announced, they make footsteps towards the waterfall

"My god! They jumped!" "Brave kids" "Zach! Gray! N/n!" Owen places a hand over her mouth, shushing her

"Hey! I am not one of your damn animals!" "Look those kids are still alive but you and I won't be if you continue to scream like that" He said annoyed

"I was in the Navy not the Navojo" "so then what do we do? What do you suggest we do?" She asked him

"You get back, I'll find them" "no, WE'LL find them" Owen dismisses her, "you'll last two minutes in there, less in those ridiculous shoes..."

Claire stares at him, and unbuttons her belt, Owen looks at her, shocked, she unbuttons her shirt, and ties it, showing her purple tank top, she places her hands on her hips

"What is that supposed to mean?" "It means I'm ready to go" "Okay, let's get one thing straight, i'm in charge out here, you do everything I say, exactly as I say it"

"Excuse me?" Claire frowned at what the man had just said to her, "just relax"

It's just like taking a stroll through the woods 65 million years ago" Claire sighs, and walks away from him

With him watching, with Zach, Gray and y/n, they are in a cave they found, "stay here" Zach told Y/n and Gray searching for some sort of light source

"You still have those matches?" Zach asked the boy, "here you go" Gray said handing his brother the matches he brought with him, "Gray!" Zach called out to his younger brother who wandered off to a jeep

"1992 Jeep Wrangler Sahara Beige" Gray told the two teenagers, just then something popped into Zach's head, "remember when we fixed Grandpa's old Malibu, right?"

"Yeah" Gray answered, "well..." he eyed the boy, Zach opened up the hood, coughing from the dust particles

"Becareful Zacahry" y/n told him already seated in the jeep, "shut up n/n can't you see we are trying something here?" He rolled his eyes and faced his brother again

After a few minutes of silence, Zach eyed his little brother "You think it's out there? I mean, I know for a fact it is definitely not out there, all right? We're totally safe"

Y/n chuckled at the boy's struggle for finding the right words, Zach glared at her, she put her hands up like she was surrendering and searched her pockets for her phone

But the phone was already dead so she just had to wait and see what the boys will be able to do

"Here, go take this, you're stronger than me, all right. Turn it over" Zach told the younger and once he did, Zach smiled proudly, "Whoo! It works!"

Zacha and Gray high fived and they both entered the jeep, Zach placed his hands on the steering wheel, "I thought you failed your driver's test" "he did" y/n answered

"No, only the driving part..." he turned on the engine and off they went into the nature, "So, where the hell are we supposed to go now Zachary?" Y/n asked

"We'll see...." he answered and drove at a faster speed, y/n stared out the car, knowing they were gonna be able to get out of this shithole

Jurassic World (2015 movie)-Zach X reader ffWhere stories live. Discover now