Chapter 11

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"Everything must be accounted for, I want all backup generators online,
Where have you been?" Wu asked Hoskins

"Change of plans, mission took a jog to the left, I'm taking everything off-site" Hoskins told him, "The embryos are safe here, they can live up to eight weeks on the generators"

"No, no, you listen, the park's gonna be Channel 11 by morning, okay? Our
little side project's about to get a shot in the arm"

"I don't want a bunch of lawyers
messing around with something
that they don't understand, you get it?
Hey? I'm gonna take that as a yes" Hoskins said

"Thank you for visiting Jurassic World, we hope you enjoyed your adventure,
Don't forget to visit the gift shop and remember... it's always happy hour at Margaritaville"

"Come on, come on, go inside, control room, that way, they evacuated the lab,
What are you doing?"Claire asked

"I'm afraid that's above your pay grade,
honey" Hoskins told the red head, "where's Henry?" Claire frowned

"Dr. Wu? He works for us" Hoskins smirked, "that's not a real dinosaur" Gray frowned as Hoskins started to approached him

Y/n held onto Gray making sure Hoskins wouldn't touch him, "No, it ain't kid, but somebody's gotta make sure that this company has a future"

"Imagine, that one, a fraction of the size, deadly, intelligent, able to hide from the most advanced military technology, a living weapon unlike anything we've ever seen" y/n kept on pulling Gray away as Hoskins took a step towards him

Zach noticed this and so walked infront of the two, holding thrm close to him, Hoskins stopped walking as soon as he saw the elder brother

"You see...millions of years of evolution, what did we learn? Nature is the gift that just...shit!" Delta walks towards Hoskins

"Easy, easy boy, easy, Hey, hey, We're on the same side, right? Right? Easy,
I'm on your side" Delta tilt its head towards Hoskins

She stared at him making sure he trusted her and when he least expected it, she chomped on his out stretched arm and blood splatters on the walls as she fed on him

"No, guys! Guys, this way, come on, come on, come on" Claire lead the way and they made it outside, Owen tames Blue again

"That's how it is? Easy, Easy, Easy, that's it" Owen said in a soft voice and removed the device from around Blue's ear

The raptors returned to their old Alpha once again and stared at the giant monster who had just arrived

The Indominus reveals herself, she roars at Blue, Blue looks back at Owen, and chitters, she roars to the hybrid and it knocks Blue away when Blue was running towards it

Echo and Delta attack the Indominus, The five run away with Owen shooting at the Indominus, "24, 50, we need more" Gray told, y/n knew exactly what he was saying

"More what?" Claire asked, "teeth...we need more teeth..."y/n answered for Gray, she suddenly heard a sound and before a chunk of wall was about to fall on Gray, she pulled the boy towards her

Claire grabs a flare and a walkie talkie, "okay, so you just wait here, It's gonna be fine" and runs off

"ZACHARY! BECAREFUL!" Y/n shouted as another chunk fell down while the fight continued, she panted and now stayed close to both boys not wanting to lose either one of them

"Lowery, are you still there?" Claire asked, "hey, where are you?" He asked, "I need you to open Paddock 9" Claire ordered, "Paddock 9? You kidding?"

She stops in front of the paddock, "Damn it Lowery, be a man and do
Something for once in your life!" She said frustrated, "Why do you have to make it personal?"

The paddock opens and there stood the T. Rex, she stomps out, Claire nods to herself and runs off with the flare

Rexy roars loudly chasing after her, with Owen and the kids, the hybrid's claw gets stuck in Gray's fanny strap

"Gray, hold on!" Y/n reassured as Zach unhooks it, Claire runs towards the hybrid, throwing the flare towards it and Rexy smashes through a skeleton, roaring at the Indominus

The two dinosaurs started to fight, pushing each other with their jaws but the Indominus got the upper hand and knocks Rexy down

"Run!" Claire shouted, "Go! Go, go!" Owen told the kids and they ran towards Claire, watching in horror at what was going on infront of them

Rexy roars in pain as the Indominus was about to finish her off but Blue comes to the rescue, she pounces on the hybrid, and Rexy stands knocking her into a building

The hybrid gets tossed near the lagoon, and she roars and so does Rexy and Blue but the Mosasaurus pounces out, dragging her into the water

Rexy and Blue share a look, before the t-rex leaves, Blue looks towards Owen and he shakes his head, Blue runs off alone and Lowery shuts off the control room

"Zachary! Are you okay! Are you hurt anywhere?" Y/n asked, tears in her eyes as she examined her bestfriend

"I'm fine n/n, I'm fine..." he hugs her and they both stand there for a few minutes, they both looked back up and slowly leaned in finally getting that kiss

Their lips moved in sync,  Zach pulled y/n closer to him, they finally pulled away from each other and panted

They rested their forehead on each others forehead, "I love you" Zach said and y/n smile finally hearing those words coming out his mouth

"I love you too" she smiled and they both started to kiss again, it's day time, Claire is sitting with the boys and

Karen sees them and begins to sob, Claire notices, "Boys, it's your parents, it's your parents, come on, come on" she told them and the three stood up

"Are you okay?" Claire and Karen hug, crying, "I'm so sorry" Claire told her sister, "Shh, Are you okay? Come here

Karen hugs her sister when she saw y/n and Zach holding each other's hands, "you've got to tell me everything when we get home" she told Zach

"Yeah, yeah mom, don't embarrass me now" Zach rolled his eyes, "but thing....what about your girlfriend?" Gray asked

Zach's eyes widened, "shit! I totally forgot about her" he facepalmed as y/n smacked the back of his head

"Break up with her and I'll decide if I'll date ya or not" she teases as the whole family shared a laugh together

Owen spots Claire and she walks towards him, "so, what do we do now?"
Claire asked him, "probably stick together for survival" She smiles and walks after him

Rexy is seen stomping on the old helicopter pad, her old and new scars are seen on her as she looks over the island and lets out a loud roar, finally free....

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