Chapter 3

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Crowds of people filled the streets towards the innovation centre, Gray enthusiastically ran up the stairs with the others trailing behind

"Come on!" He shouted, "relax" Zach said, "COME ON!" Y/n covered her ears, "dude! Chill" Zach told his little brother, uncovering the girl's ears

"Awww, scardey y/n is back" Zach pouted at her, she rolled her eyes at him and walked off towards Gray, Zach stared at her outfit and laughed

"I can't actually believe you FINALLY dressed like a girl!" She wore short shorts with a white tank top and to top it all off, white converse, y/n pinched him hard enough to make him stop teasing her

"Big surprise Zachary! I'm a girl!" She gave him a sarcastic smile as he held onto his arm but that didn't stop his teasing, loving her reactions each time

The kids pushed open the double door to the innovation centre as Zara tried to keep up with them, "welcome to the innovation centre where technology meets prehistory, join us on an exciting journey 65 five million years into the past"

There was hologram of an Apatosaurus which roared at the three, there was also another exhibit where children use brushes to uncover bones

The announcer spoke, "literally meaning 'three horned face', Three triceratops is half as tall as a T-rex"

There was also a theater where parents and their kids was watching a documentary, an asteroid hit which causes the crowd to gasp in amazement

"Can turn its head to look over its shoulder to better aim the swing of its dangerous tail"

Gray rushes over to Mr DNA where visitors are quizzed, Gray quickly pressed the button, "Cytosine, guanine, adenine and thymine, the same four things in everything that ever lived"

A 3-D representation of Mr DNA appeared onscreen, "test your knowledge!" A grumpy Zach slides up to him, "hey, don't wander off all right? Mom's not paying me for babysitting"

"Awww, Zachary actually cares" y/n teased, he glared at her, "stop getting sad that you don't have any comeback to say to me because you're in-"

"Gray is that you?" Someone questioned, cutting Zach off, they all turned around to see Claire descending down the stairs on her phone

"Aunt Claire!" Gray exclaimed as they headed towards her direction, "okay yeah, I'm gonna have to go, my nephews and my future niece in law are here" [thank you ruthsta12334]

"Your future niece what now-" the person was cut off as she hangs up, Gray ran up to her and hugged her

She awkwardly hugs him back, Zach still looking moody after the little bicker him and y/n just had a while ago

"Hi!" "Oh, oh, oh my gosh! You're so- You're so sweet!" She was lost in words, she turns around and looks at her other nephew and her so called, future niece-in-law;))

"Woah! Zach! Last time I saw you, you were like" she held her hands up to almost Gray's height, "and you! N/n! You were taller than Zach, right?" Claire questioned, now looking at the height difference between the two

"Told ya you were a shortie before" y/n whispered in Zach's ear on her tippy-toes "and now you ARE the shortie" Zach fired back causing the girl to blush furiously

"So I see you've already got your wristbands and this is for food" she hands them a bag with the jurassic world logo on it

"And Zara here is going to take great care of you until I'm done working tonight, okay?" "You're not coming with us?" Gray asked in a disappointed tone

"Oh, um, I really wish that I could, but tomorrow I can take you into the control room, show you behind the scenes and all of that. That's... that's gonna be cool, right?"

She asked unsure as the older brother rolled his eyes while Gray averts her gaze and stares at the door, Claire's phone started to ring

"Okay, so I will see you tonight at, uh...
uh, six?" "no, no, don't forget you have the..." "right! Of course! I will see you tonight at eight, what time do you go to sleep? Or, or, do you go to sleep at different times?"

The boys stared at her confused, y/n just playing around her hair while boys stared at her catching the attention of the older brother

He glared at them causing them to run away, "okay, so um...have fun! And take very good care at them" the last sentence directed towards Zara

"Yeah no, I'm here" Claire said walking off on her phone, "wow! We are going to have SO MUCH fun!" Y/n said sarcastically, throwing her arms around the boys

The boys gave each other a look knowing they were doomed...

Jurassic World (2015 movie)-Zach X reader ffWhere stories live. Discover now